When will we get proper iPad support?

edited April 2012 in Game Support
First off allow me to start off by saying that I have always been a big Telltale fan and supporter. I own most of the games both on this site and on Steam and even a few on DVD.

I recently purchased an iPad 3 and naturally I immediately had the urge to give Telltale's games a try. I heard that the iOS versions of these games were a big buggy so I tried to free lite versions of several of the games available.

I was disappointed to see how poorly these games ran. Most of them lag even on iPad 3 and the resolutions look like they are not even at iPad 1 resolutions. Super low res and major aliasing problems. I've seen videos of these games running on older iPad models and they ran the same way which implies to me that Telltales never bothered to update the games to support more modern iOS devices.

I really hope Telltales will go back and polish their iOS games to remove the lag and add retina and aliasing support. In the mean time, I don't plan on support Telltales on the iOS platforms until they start polishing they're games more.

If The Walking Dead runs well on iPad 3 then I will definitely purchase those episodes and I would love to give my money to Telltales and support the other game series available on iPad but I won't do so until these glaring issues are resolved.
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