Steam Walking Dead Out, TELLTALE version OUT NOW!



  • edited April 2012
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    That is an attack an Americans.


    Everything is an "attack" when it comes to 'Merica
  • edited April 2012
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    That is an attack an Americans.

    Secondly, I am not acting high and mighty, I am just stating the obvious. No one is forcing you to wait here. Heck, the weekends are meant for this kind of stuff.

    Besides that, why would you take a day off for a game?

    Dude, not everyone can play everyday, some people have a life.

    So you buy this game, hoping that on 24th April you would be able to play it, then you rearrange your schedule so you can have a bit of fun, and when it gets to 24th April, the game delays, and you need to go back to your normal life, so.... you will need to get another day to play it, but you won't enjoy it as you would if it came on 24th. :D
  • edited April 2012
    joopjuh wrote: »
    Just because he can?

    Well yes, but really? The game will be there for him when he has time. He said he has time this weekend already, so why not just play it then?
  • edited April 2012
    @ncb I'm following this thread. Nobody is acting all high and mighty. The fans are right, you do need to plan accordingly and, eventually, ASK ahead of time.
    Yes, games can be late... it happens. If you would've asked, you probably would've known this by now.
    Last warning, please relax, it's just a game.
  • ncbncb
    edited April 2012
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    That is an attack an Americans.

    Secondly, I am not acting high and mighty, I am just stating the obvious. No one is forcing you to wait here. Heck, the weekends are meant for this kind of stuff.

    Besides that, why would you take a day off for a game? That is not at all a bright idea.

    I have two days off a week, I requested today.. if you didn't know there is 7 days in a week and the majority of people work 5 of them.
  • edited April 2012
    let's be real, everything that could have gone wrong probably has. They're trying their best to get out a worthy product to the people who ordered it on their website. I mean, sure I would have loved to play it today. But it didn't work out. I have to go to sleep for work and that's fine. It's just a game.
  • edited April 2012
    I have no sympathy for people who take a day off to play a freaking video game.

    I have nothing with that. I just have none for someone who doesn't bother to use common sense and pay attention to facts.

    Fact is Telltale said it would be released on April 24th. Fact they never set a specific time it would be released on said day. Hell they never do. Fact he's obviously in a European timezone hence the good time discrepancy. So based off these facts if it were me I'd probably have requested tomorrow off and not today.

    I also have no problem having consideration for people if they aren't acting like children screaming that they want it now.
  • edited April 2012
    Chillforce wrote: »
    I wish I had even a buggy crappy copy over nothing. If you are starving, you'll eat anything. It's like that.
    I only have an hour and a half to live before this fever gets me.

    ok thats just stupid. for example, when BttF 3rd episode i think? came out, the science fair, there were multiple bugs people got where you cant load the game, cant advance in the game, cant save etc... so your telling me you would rather have a sub-par version of a game that will most likely cause problems and overall more headaches, than just wait and receive a game that has been fixed and runs the way it should be played... great idea....
  • edited April 2012
    KDStudios wrote: »

    Everything is an "attack" when it comes to 'Merica

  • edited April 2012
    Lot of haters here it seems; been waiting for this game the same as everyone else. Although the game will take longer to obtain through the developer site I am happy I purchased it this way. It is good to know I am supporting people's hard work directly; keep up the good work all at Telltale Games.
  • edited April 2012
    KDStudios wrote: »

    Everything is an "attack" when it comes to 'Merica

    Firstly lulz.

    LeoMoyses wrote: »
    Dude, not everyone can play everyday, some people have a life.

    ncb wrote: »
    I have two days off a week, I requested today.. if you didn't know there is 7 days in a week and the majority of people work 5 of them.
    Right there in bold. He has two days off to play the game. You could have just played then.
  • edited April 2012
    let's be real, everything that could have gone wrong probably has. They're trying their best to get out a worthy product to the people who ordered it on their website. I mean, sure I would have loved to play it today. But it didn't work out. I have to go to sleep for work and that's fine. It's just a game.

    Have a sweet sleep :D
  • edited April 2012
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    Well yes, but really? The game will be there for him when he has time. He said he has time this weekend already, so why not just play it then?

    Easy for you to say. Why don't you wait for the weekend just for the sake of it?
  • edited April 2012
    Im going to play some more LoL matches... Hope that in something like 5 hours the game is here :(

    AI... NID... TU... QUILL... ZUMBIEZ...!
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited April 2012
    Relax everybody! Turn your frowns upside down! :)

    I think you all just need a hug! :D

  • edited April 2012
    I have nothing with that. I just have none for someone who doesn't bother to use common sense and pay attention to facts.

    Fact is Telltale said it would be released on April 24th. Fact they never set a specific time it would be released on said day. Hell they never do. Fact he's obviously in a European timezone hence the good time discrepancy. So based off these facts if it were me I'd probably have requested tomorrow off and not today.

    I also have no problem having consideration for people if they aren't acting like children screaming that they want it now.

    I wholeheartedly agree with that.
  • ncbncb
    edited April 2012
    @ncb I'm following this thread. Nobody is acting all high and mighty. The fans are right, you do need to plan accordingly and, eventually, ASK ahead of time.
    Yes, games can be late... it happens. If you would've asked, you probably would've known this by now.
    Last warning, please relax, it's just a game.

    They're telling me I don't have a RIGHT to be upset that telltale have failed to deliver. Many many publishers plan accordindly for the european fanbase, telltale have not. Yet I am in the wrong for being upset about being told I don't have the right to express my feelings?

    I've done nothing but defend myself and get my point across just to be told i'm wrong.

    I'm done. Go suck a bag of 'em.
  • edited April 2012
    With how far this forum has gone from the original point and how personal some of the arguments have come, I wouldn't be surprised if some of the posters missed the game going live...
  • edited April 2012
    I dont understand youre comment - this isnt some hold up on improving the game as they released it on steam - I am sure that its the same release. This is some guf up TTG - just feels like we are being punished for where we thought we were being loyal fans.

    Sucks beyond belief.
  • edited April 2012
    I hope that a zombie apocalypse doesn't really happen, cuz, if you all can't take a little wait for the game, your not gonna make it long during the real thing.
  • edited April 2012
    PainDealer wrote: »
    Easy for you to say. Why don't you wait for the weekend just for the sake of it?

    Because I have time now...

    This person however, is complaining about a lack of time, meanwhile stating that he has 2 days off for the weakend to play it. I have many times where I can't do something I want to do in the week and wait until the weekend. It isn't a big deal.
  • ncbncb
    edited April 2012
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    Firstly lulz.

    Right there in bold. He has two days off to play the game. You could have just played then.

    Yes TODAY and Saturday.. derp.
  • edited April 2012
    I have no sympathy for people who take a day off to play a freaking video game.

    i've taken many a vacation day to play video games. my vacation days just rack up and get wasted otherwise. not all of us have tons of cash lying around to take an actual vacation. passing judgement on the internet... gotta love it. this whole release delay is really bringing out the worst in everyone. i know i'm frustrated about the delay and checking in about every hour or so but then i walk away and do something else. i would advise that some of you who are getting overly frustrated about this situation do the same.
  • edited April 2012
    Quick question: does anyone know when they're releasing the game on xbox yet?
  • edited April 2012
    ncb wrote: »
    Yes TODAY and Saturday.. derp.

    Then play it on Saturday. derp
  • edited April 2012
    ncb wrote: »
    They're telling me I don't have a RIGHT to be upset that telltale have failed to deliver. Many many publishers plan accordindly for the european fanbase, telltale have not. Yet I am in the wrong for being upset about being told I don't have the right to express my feelings?

    I've done nothing but defend myself and get my point across just to be told i'm wrong.

    I'm done. Go suck a bag of 'em.

    That's the problem. They haven't failed to deliver anything yet. If it isn't out in 8 hours and 48 mins then they will have failed and I'll be right there angry as hell. Until then they haven't. That's the issue here.
  • edited April 2012
    Hurry up!
  • edited April 2012
    Quick question: does anyone know when they're releasing the game on xbox yet?
    Tomorrow I think.
  • edited April 2012
    ADavidson wrote: »
    YES, I borrowed my bro's steam account password and downloaded it.

    It is as described, broken and unplayable. Hopefully my $2000 gaming rig at home with nvidia graphics will fare better than my office PC. It meets all requirements tho
    You tried to run it on your office PC? Probably don't even have current drivers, let alone enough VRAM.

    From what I can tell on the Steam forums, There are only about 3 people having issues with the Steam version. Those who are having a problem downloading it, which seems to be fixed with a restart. Those whose rigs have a slight stutter during one specific cut scene (resolved by disabling shadows). And one whose complaint is that the sound is crackly (and he probably has crap drivers or a hardware conflict).

    Broken and unplayable? Not one person on the Steam forums has accused the game of that. In fact the only person who has is this silly person who tried to run it on his computer at work... I mean how dumb can yo...

    Oh yeah, that was you.

    Seriously, where's all the people saying it's broken and unplayable?
  • edited April 2012
    they need to hurry up, it's been all day now. >/
  • edited April 2012
    I found this thread after getting home from work-curious about when the game would be released today... One hour and a glass of bourbon later and I feel like I should share a fairly similar experience.

    A couple years ago a small company, released a top-of-the-line longboard that gained so much popularity people were waiting over a year after purchasing to receive them. I thought I got super lucky when I bought that longboard from a retailer. I received my longboard within weeks, while everyone who bought them straight from the manufacturer still had over 12 months of waiting. Shortly after, while going down a hill at over 30 mph, the longboard snapped in half, and i busted my head open pretty bad. It turns out this manufacturer sent out a lesser product to the retailers to meet deadlines, but everyone who ordered direct ended up with a high quality product that didn't give them a concussion.

    So just do something else until you can download it, and once you start playing you will forget you ever had to wait in the first place. Shame on telltale for making games we actually enjoy playing (sarcasm).
  • edited April 2012
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    Tomorrow I think.

    Thank you :D
  • edited April 2012
    Believe it or not some people work more than 8hrs a day too.

    I don't anymore but I used to work 15-18hr days 6 days a week. I had sunday off, that was it.

    If I had requested today off and had to deal with this release debacle I would be even more furious too.

    Of course, if you knew how TT was you would have requested tomorrow off to start with, but I feel your pain. Having to wait til next sunday to play the game would suck bigtime
  • edited April 2012
    That's the problem. They haven't failed to deliver anything yet. If it isn't out in 8 hours and 48 mins then they will have failed and I'll be right there angry as hell. Until then they haven't. That's the issue here.
    That's your issue. Other people's issue is that they could have had a much better experience by purchasing through Steam.

    Anybody who disagrees has their head a bit too far up TTG's bum.
  • edited April 2012
    That's the problem. They haven't failed to deliver anything yet. If it isn't out in 8 hours and 48 mins then they will have failed and I'll be right there angry as hell. Until then they haven't. That's the issue here.

    It just feels terrible when you preorder something weeks before because you are hyped and want the game ASAP and then you end up seeing people on another service play the game 5 times before you even get to download.
  • edited April 2012
    ncb wrote: »
    They're telling me I don't have a RIGHT to be upset that telltale have failed to deliver. Many many publishers plan accordindly for the european fanbase, telltale have not. Yet I am in the wrong for being upset about being told I don't have the right to express my feelings?

    I've done nothing but defend myself and get my point across just to be told i'm wrong.

    I'm done. Go suck a bag of 'em.

    You are 100% entitled to be upset. You can even go out in the street and scream at puppies.
    ...but as long as you post in this forum, it's not okay to insult other members or direct your anger towards them. Thanks for understanding.
  • edited April 2012
    Moragami wrote: »
    That's your issue. Other people's issue is that they could have had a much better experience by purchasing through Steam.

    Anybody who disagrees has their head a bit too far up TTG's bum.

    His point is about release. I agree that if the Steam version is as buggy as some are saying then yes that's something to be angry about. I'm not defending that at all.
  • edited April 2012
    Moragami wrote: »
    Anybody who disagrees has their head a bit too far up TTG's bum.
    It's always good to know the facts :)
  • edited April 2012
    Moragami wrote: »
    You tried to run it on your office PC? Probably don't even have current drivers, let alone enough VRAM.

    From what I can tell on the Steam forums, There are only about 3 people having issues with the Steam version. Those who are having a problem downloading it, which seems to be fixed with a restart. Those whose rigs have a slight stutter during one specific cut scene (resolved by disabling shadows). And one whose complaint is that the sound is crackly (and he probably has crap drivers or a hardware conflict).

    Broken and unplayable? Not one person on the Steam forums has accused the game of that. In fact the only person who has is this silly person who tried to run it on his computer at work... I mean how dumb can yo...

    Oh yeah, that was you.

    Seriously, where's all the people saying it's broken and unplayable?

    Uh yeah, my office PC is probably faster than half the people playing this game.

    One is core 2 duo 2.8Ghz with 3GB Ram and 512MB Radeon 4350, same specs as most brand new store bought machines.

    Any pc meeting the requirements of the game should run it just fine.

    I'm now going to try it on my home PC, core i7 @4.1Ghz, 8GB Ram, 128GB SSD, GTX 560Ti 2win
  • edited April 2012
    Still not there? Are you serious?

This discussion has been closed.