Steam Walking Dead Out, TELLTALE version OUT NOW!



  • crofaelcrofael Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2012
    And I really appreciate your efforts. The joke was simply that, a joke. no malice or disrespect was intended. I sincerely apologize for upsetting you.

    I apologize as well for overreacting. As many of you rightly surmised, I am not a PR person. I probably shouldn't be reading through the forums at all, but I was stoked to release the game today and am horribly disappointed that it hasn't been a smooth process.

    Again, I'm very sorry about everything and hope that we can make things right.
  • edited April 2012
    imdgart wrote: »
    I feel like everybody in here has just been bickering and arguing about the stupidest crap since I last looked on this thread at like 2 pm. Take a break guys, jeez change your tampons.

    Go suck on yours. Have every right to be here complaining.
  • edited April 2012
    There have obviously been unforeseen circumstances regarding the release of the game and the guy is only trying to quell this forum's collective rage. I'm sure it's not easy to be in his position right now, especially with some of the stuff that's been said on these boards. I'm sure the employees are working as hard as they can to get the game out in its best possible condition as soon as they can. Everyone just needs to calm down. Learn a little patience.
  • edited April 2012
    crofael wrote: »
    We're going to have an official announcement soon. I'm not authorized to give the details, but I wanted to let you guys know that a definitive answer is imminent.

    Oh that doesn't sound good. Not one bit. I really hope I'm wrong.
  • edited April 2012
    ted12 wrote: »
    Nah, you're fine. Might I suggest playing Hector?

    Hmm, maybe tommorrow. I promised I'd make my brother some invoices for hmi for this game and the new Humble Bundle
  • edited April 2012
    Its people like you that make it harder on others because you bitch about things that are not even necessarily that serious yet......Youve never waited on anything in your life i guess....guess now is a good time to start

    do you seriously believe the crap you type or are you just trolling?
  • edited April 2012
    Epic Kiwi wrote: »
    It's part of the Telltale Games Experi... you know what, nevermind!

    Can I have an internet crush on you?
  • edited April 2012
    crofael wrote: »
    I apologize as well for overreacting. As many of you rightly surmised, I am not a PR person. I probably shouldn't be reading through the forums at all, but I was stoked to release the game today and am horribly disappointed that it hasn't been a smooth process.

    Again, I'm very sorry about everything and hope that we can make things right.

    You the man Cro
  • edited April 2012
    crofael wrote: »
    I apologize as well for overreacting. As many of you rightly surmised, I am not a PR person. I probably shouldn't be reading through the forums at all, but I was stoked to release the game today and am horribly disappointed that it hasn't been a smooth process.

    Again, I'm very sorry about everything and hope that we can make things right.

    Are you able to tell us how this announcement will be made? If I stop reading this forum thread (which is moving a little faster than I can keep up with), am I likely to get notification about what's going on?
  • edited April 2012
    crofael wrote: »
    I apologize as well for overreacting. As many of you rightly surmised, I am not a PR person. I probably shouldn't be reading through the forums at all, but I was stoked to release the game today and am horribly disappointed that it hasn't been a smooth process.

    Again, I'm very sorry about everything and hope that we can make things right.
    No worries! I understand you are under a lot of stress. It happens :) All will be forgiven when I get the game in my hot lil hands ;)
  • edited April 2012
    crofael wrote: »
    I apologize as well for overreacting. As many of you rightly surmised, I am not a PR person. I probably shouldn't be reading through the forums at all, but I was stoked to release the game today and am horribly disappointed that it hasn't been a smooth process.

    Again, I'm very sorry about everything and hope that we can make things right.

    Are you high up enough to say what went wrong exactly? Or is that in this announcement?
  • edited April 2012
    Pitewass wrote: »
    Even worse its available bittorent already - not that I condone piracy.

    The private usenet I'm a member of had it at 3pm.....

    I'm still waiting for the real download tho
  • edited April 2012
    someone in telltale games is not doing their job just fire them and get someone competent instead of losing potential clients !
  • edited April 2012
    Anyone else noticing how many of these complaining posters have single digit posts.....I think if you complain about something continuously and have a single digit post count you should be eligible for the 24 hour ban.
  • edited April 2012
    Bigpsycho wrote: »
    someone in telltale games is not doing their job just fire them and get someone competent instead of losing potential clients !

    Well you clearly know business.
  • edited April 2012
    crofael wrote: »
    I apologize as well for overreacting. As many of you rightly surmised, I am not a PR person. I probably shouldn't be reading through the forums at all, but I was stoked to release the game today and am horribly disappointed that it hasn't been a smooth process.

    Again, I'm very sorry about everything and hope that we can make things right.

    The only way to make things right is Zombie cameos for all. :D
  • edited April 2012
    crofael wrote: »
    I apologize as well for overreacting. As many of you rightly surmised, I am not a PR person. I probably shouldn't be reading through the forums at all, but I was stoked to release the game today and am horribly disappointed that it hasn't been a smooth process.

    Again, I'm very sorry about everything and hope that we can make things right.

    That's cool brah. Just go find a sharp object and threaten others in the office until the game is released. Or a chair if you can swing it around enough. The point is intimidation makes people work faster. ;)
  • edited April 2012
    crofael wrote: »
    I apologize as well for overreacting. As many of you rightly surmised, I am not a PR person. I probably shouldn't be reading through the forums at all, but I was stoked to release the game today and am horribly disappointed that it hasn't been a smooth process.

    Again, I'm very sorry about everything and hope that we can make things right.

    Don't sweat it man, some people are overreacting to the delay but most of us are cool about it. We know when you guys upload it we're getting a badass game to play so we're still going to be pumped about it regardless.
  • edited April 2012
    ted12 wrote: »
    ...It's only 9 here. Timezones, remember?

    Are you illiterate or something? It's 9pm by me also and the last time I checked the forum (at around 2pm) people were being babies and apparently still are.
  • edited April 2012
    The only way to make things right is Zombie cameos for all. :D


    Haven't we all behaved exactly like zombies? Hell I became one already!
  • edited April 2012
    i do believe what i say greyknight7........and you are the troll
  • edited April 2012
    imdgart wrote: »
    Are you illiterate or something? It's 9pm by me also and the last time I checked the forum (at around 2pm) people were being babies and apparently still are.

    I see one punctuation error in a rather short post. That isn't exactly illiterate.
  • edited April 2012
    Bigpsycho wrote: »
    someone in telltale games is not doing their job just fire them and get someone competent instead of losing potential clients !

    lol, that's a really ignorant comment. Someone should lose their livelihood because you had to wait a few hours. #firstworldproblems

    ...yes, I'm cool, I used a hashtag in a forum post.
  • edited April 2012
    Yup Zombie Cameos for all!!
  • edited April 2012
    crofael wrote: »
    I apologize as well for overreacting. As many of you rightly surmised, I am not a PR person. I probably shouldn't be reading through the forums at all, but I was stoked to release the game today and am horribly disappointed that it hasn't been a smooth process.

    Again, I'm very sorry about everything and hope that we can make things right.

    many of us are
  • edited April 2012
    Dameon2k wrote: »
    Anyone else noticing how many of these complaining posters have single digit posts.....I think if you complain about something continuously and have a single digit post count you should be eligible for the 24 hour ban.

    Sorry we don't live on the forums like you. I paid my money and I don't have to be forgiving.
  • edited April 2012
    I bet they are doing this to find the forum member the most rude, just so they can make them win the contest and get more satisfaction when they get killed off twice.:p
  • edited April 2012
    imdgart wrote: »
    Are you illiterate or something? It's 9pm by me also and the last time I checked the forum (at around 2pm) people were being babies and apparently still are.

    Sorry, I misunderstood what you said.
  • edited April 2012
    Crofael - why dont they just post whats going instead of just sitting on this issue - a simple hey folks we got problem 'X' and it will be 'Y" time. I dont need to hanging around for an offiical announcement ... your El presidente speaking to the minions but artists talking to their fans.
  • edited April 2012
    Jedward wrote: »
    Sorry we don't live on the forums like you. I paid my money and I don't have to be forgiving.

    Ya, cuz "post count" matters in a real world situation. LMAO!
  • edited April 2012
    Chillforce wrote: »

    Haven't we all behaved exactly like zombies? Hell I became one already!

    yes chill...continue the zombie story arc..i can't wait to see what you do next
  • edited April 2012
    Aww. We're all just excited. It's just like Christmas Eve, if instead of being eager to get our toys Christmas Morning, we all flame-bombed Santa for not delivering our toys the night before!
  • edited April 2012
    Jedward wrote: »
    Sorry we don't live on the forums like you. I paid my money and I don't have to be forgiving.

    You don't have to be forgiving, but you also don't get the right to complain when it still technically isn't late. They have until 12:00 PDT. Beyond that, I'll probably be joining everyone in this, but until then, we can't really complain as it still isn't late.
  • edited April 2012
    Good luck Telltale Teams and i wait your awesome game :p (Play sam and max saison 2 peoples :3)
  • edited April 2012
    Pitewass wrote: »
    Crofael - why dont they just post whats going instead of just sitting on this issue - a simple hey folks we got problem 'X' and it will be 'Y" time. I dont need to hanging around for an offiical announcement ... your El presidente speaking to the minions but artists talking to their fans.

    He said he's saying everything he's authorized to say.
  • edited April 2012
    Good luck Telltale Teams and i wait your awesome game :p (Play sam and max saison 2 peoples :3)

    But I already played Seasoning 2... :(
  • edited April 2012
    I'm going to start a campaign on Facebook to make the game be released right away. We're gonna have like a ton of people, and we're gonna start a charity. Then we'll send cupcakes to your office and stuff and then you'll totally have to do it cause we're mad and we have an internet petition.

    Expect us!
  • edited April 2012
    Dameon2k wrote: »
    Anyone else noticing how many of these complaining posters have single digit posts.....I think if you complain about something continuously and have a single digit post count you should be eligible for the 24 hour ban.

    Please. This is the only place that one an go for information, of course there are going to be many like me with your benign single digit post issue. Have every right to be here, and make complaints known until we get what we paid for. Once that can stay here and enjoy your double digit envy of forum posters.
  • edited April 2012
    Pitewass wrote: »
    Crofael - why dont they just post whats going instead of just sitting on this issue - a simple hey folks we got problem 'X' and it will be 'Y" time. I dont need to hanging around for an offiical announcement ... your El presidente speaking to the minions but artists talking to their fans.
    Because as he already stated, he must get clearance for what he does say.
  • edited April 2012
    X Problem is their business, and Y time is an unknown by definition.
This discussion has been closed.