Steam Walking Dead Out, TELLTALE version OUT NOW!



  • edited April 2012
    Mike wrote: »
    Pak-Man, have you checked your spam folder?

    If that was directed at me rather than Pak-Man, yes, I have checked my spam folders.
  • edited April 2012
    Im still waiting patiently for my steam code. . . . .
  • edited April 2012
    I have no doubt the game will be great, and I normally wouldn't sweat something like this, but my channel on YouTube is eager to pop out a Let's Play. How would one finesse that Steam code out of TTG?
  • edited April 2012
    Bloogertag wrote: »
    Im still waiting patiently for my steam code. . . . .

    Same here.
  • RauRau
    edited April 2012
    gnarkill wrote: »
    Same here.

  • edited April 2012
    I'm still waiting on my code. This was handled terribly. Shouldn't TellTale have been working on this before the release!?
  • edited April 2012
    No code here also and I preordered the first day you were able to.
  • edited April 2012
    Mike wrote: »
    Pak-Man, have you checked your spam folder?

    Yes. Nothing in my Spam or main Email inbox.
  • edited April 2012
    Rtboh wrote: »
    I'm still waiting on my code. This was handled terribly. Shouldn't TellTale have been working on this before the release!?

    The server problem probably didn't come up until today. Computer problems are like that. One day, everything is fine, and the next... Well, you get the idea.

    Although why they didn't have a emergency backup server is beyond me.
  • edited April 2012
    I have also checked my spam box
  • edited April 2012
    I waited about 5 hours after the steam version was out and no one was on the forum to say what was going on.
  • edited April 2012
    Yeah, no code in my email either.
  • edited April 2012
    @Mike: You're still awake? Or did they send you home for a few hours to sleep and you're already back?
  • edited April 2012
    I'm guessing they only had a limited amount of steam codes to give out. I didn't get one either, bummer...
  • edited April 2012
    If there was a limited number that's not fair. This is such a big mess
  • edited April 2012
    What about a code for the ps3 version!?
  • edited April 2012
    Jedward wrote: »
    STEAM IS NOT A SOLUTION! I would have bought from steam if i wanted it on steam.

    Then just wait. Also send me your Steam key since you don't need it. :D
  • edited April 2012
    Guys, as Mike said, they're giving them out in batches.

    If it makes you feel any better, I have a Day 1 preorder and I have no Steam key yet either. Patience.

    At least I can get my probit work done without being distracted by zombies.
  • edited April 2012
    Sillium wrote: »
    @Mike: You're still awake? Or did they send you home for a few hours to sleep and you're already back?

    I'm the next AI chatbot from Telltale's own award-winning Bruce Wilcox. Still some kinks to work out, clearly.

    If any of you don't have your steam keys by tomorrow, I'll help you out the best I can. Please keep in mind that it's 11pm here, though, and I'm kind of on my own with everything. I'm getting as much done as humanly possible, as fast as possible. I ate a protein bar for lunch today. Please have pity.
  • edited April 2012
    TT thanks for the steam code, hope next time you have more luck with release the game ok. :)
  • edited April 2012
    Rtboh wrote: »
    What about a code for the ps3 version!?
    Not everyone has a PS3.
  • edited April 2012
    Mike wrote: »
    I'm the next AI chatbot from Telltale's own award-winning Bruce Wilcox. Still some kinks to work out, clearly.

    If any of you don't have your steam keys by tomorrow, I'll help you out the best I can. Please keep in mind that it's 11pm here, though, and I'm kind of on my own with everything. I'm getting as much done as humanly possible, as fast as possible. I ate a protein bar for lunch today. Please have pity.

    Mike, that's it. I'm sending you a sammich. Or at least a sammich purchasing gift card.

    I'm serious. You want me to order a pizza sent to your office? I'll do it.
  • edited April 2012
    sigh i guess ill just pay again so i can play on my ps3
  • edited April 2012
    @divisionten: That's probably why Mike has the pizza delivery avatar ;) He's trying to give us hints on what to do
  • edited April 2012
    I've received the Steam Code but I'll try tomorrow. Luckily all it's fixed when I wake up. I just got home and now I'm going to sleep after working all night. It's 8:10 a.m in Spain right now.

    Thank you so much for your efforts, Telltale. Mike, thank you for being there today all this time.

    See ya.
  • edited April 2012
    I haven't received the code, due to newsletter that doesn't work since june 2011 (I even addressed this to you in details HERE).

    Now, what can I do?
    And thanks for all Mike. ;)
  • edited April 2012
    No steam key either...
  • edited April 2012
  • edited April 2012
    Version shouldn't matter. Check your spam folder and remember that the code will be sent to the email under which the game was purchased.
  • edited April 2012
    Eine frage habe ich nun an das TTG Team:

    Wollt ihr mich nun verarschen oder ist das gerade nur rumgetrolle??

    Gestern schreibt ihr noch fleißig das ihr gerade dabei seid das Game auf eure Server zu laden und deswegen die Verzögerung zur Steamversion zustande kommen. Und was erhalte ich heute ???? Genau einen Steam-Key. Das is der größte Witz den es gibt, wo ist da die Begründung für die Verspätung, den Key hätte ich auch Gestern 20 Uhr GMT+1 (8PM GMT+1) erhalten können ohne "großen" Aufwand!!

    Ich hab das Spiel bei euch direkt gekauft und es wurde mit keinem Wort gesagt das ich dazu Steam benötige. Bis Heute Morgen die Mail kam wurde auch noch suggeriert das es das Game von TTG direkt gibt.

    Die komplette offizielle Seite schreibt auch heute noch mit keinem Wort das ich für das Spiel zwingend Steam benötige.

    Also was soll der Mist????

    Wenn ihr Gestern Abend den Leuten gesagt hättet das es nur ein Steamkey gibt. Hätten viele schon bereits Gestern storniert und auf Steam neugekauft.

    Mir ist es gerade auch egal ob ein 'Lichtmesser' sich belästigt fühlt oder mich wieder verwöhnt nennt, denn mir ist es auch egal das er sich gerne verarschen lässt. Ich habe nicht für eine Steamversion bezahlt und daher will ich auch keine Steamversion haben. Ich will die versprochene TTG Version von den Servern von TTG.

    Mike wrote: »
    Our build of the game is coming VERY SOON. I know the short delay sucks, but it's a slightly different build and it needs to be fully uploaded to our CDN before you can download it. We definitely appreciate your patience.
    Mike wrote: »
    It's still being worked on and the TTG release will be up ASAP. I know you all want a concrete timeframe, but I don't have one to offer at the moment. I do apologize for the delay.

    With that said, there will be NO discussion of software piracy in this or any other thread. Don't do it. This is a zero tolerance policy here.
    Mike wrote: »

    We definitely apologize for delay on this. We ran into a server issue that only affected our build and had to make the tough decision to delay the release of our build until that issue was resolved. We're not going anywhere, though, and everybody is working really hard to get it fixed and get the game out to you ASAP. I'll post another update as soon as I have more information, but please know that we're working on it.

    Thank you so much for your patience.


    Was genau ist nun???

    Ist der Steamkey nun meine TTG Version oder ist dieser nur als "Wieder Gutmachung" zusätzlich dazu gekommen, aber was soll ich mit 2 Games???? (ich darf ja nicht weitergeben)

    In der mail steht zwar drin das ich es bei Steam laden kann um es zu spielen, aber es die TTG Version noch gibt (aber wer weis ob das auch stimmt).

    Ich würde fast meinen ich hab das Spiel nun 2mal. Einmal in Steam und einmal so aber keinen wirklichen mehr nutzen davon. Ich kann das Game ja nun mit einem x-belieben SteamAccount verknüpfen. TTG weis ja nicht welcher meiner ist.

    Kann mir mal einer die Sachlage nun erklären????
  • edited April 2012
    Are the codes still being sent out as we speak? Or is that it for the night?
  • edited April 2012
    Ist der Steamkey nun meine TTG Version oder ist dieser nur als "Wieder Gutmachung" zusätzlich dazu gekommen, aber was soll ich mit 2 Games????
    Der ist dafür da, dass Du jetzt spielen kannst. Die TTG-Version bekommst Du auch noch. Übrigens wird Dich kaum jemand aus dem Team verstehen, wenn Du in Deutsch schreibst. Vor allem nicht MIke, der die Codes raussendet. Und wie es scheint ist er der einzige der noch da ist.

    Wenn Du den Code nicht willst ignoriere ihn einfach. Oder gib ihn weiter. Obwohl dass die A-Loch-KInd Variante ist.
    Ich kann das Game ja nun mit einem x-belieben SteamAccount verknüpfen. TTG weis ja nicht welcher meiner ist.

    Absolut richtig.

    Wenn ihr Gestern Abend den Leuten gesagt hättet das es nur ein Steamkey gibt. Hätten viele schon bereits Gestern storniert und auf Steam neugekauft.
    Nur kostet die Steamversion mehr. Da bezahlst Du in Euro hier in Dollar.
  • edited April 2012
    Somehow I was able to preorder just now. Will I still get a steam key or... what?
  • edited April 2012
    @EliteLucker: Did you even read the mail? Since they are still working on the problem they decided to give you a chance to start playing by giving away steam keys. You will still get the non-Steam version from TTG here as soon as the problem is resolved.
    Also It is not nice posting German in an English speaking forum.
    Mike wrote: »
    It is a fluke. It was an issue that popped up last minute, and one that we couldn't have foreseen. I still don't have an ETA on the fix, but it's still being worked on.
  • edited April 2012
    Version shouldn't matter. Check your spam folder and remember that the code will be sent to the email under which the game was purchased.

    Checked spam folders, the code's nowhere to be found. Hmmm...

    Also, all other Telltale email has always arrived on my email accordingly, so I don't think that spam blocker's the problem.
  • edited April 2012
    Sillium wrote: »
    Also It is not nice posting German in an English speaking forum.

    It's at least very stupid if you are expecting an answer. But at least some German users are online right now. Me for example.
  • edited April 2012
    I'm just entering house and can't see anything?? any idea's
  • edited April 2012
    der_ketzer wrote: »

    Ach ich wollte das sie das auch mal übersetzen :p :rolleyes:

    P.S.(only to der_ketzer) die
    Variante hätte TTG hier schon verdient :rolleyes:

    so in english:

    the steamkey is a redemption for the waiting and i will recieve the TTG too, so that the steam version is an additonal (standalone/independent to the TTG) one?
  • edited April 2012

    For those of you who can't wait to play TWD now, check your email. They have sent a STEAM key and you can download it from steam if you purchased it through Telltale's site.


    no, I did not get an email with a steam key.
  • edited April 2012
    If its anything like what happened last year with relic and the dark angel dlc codes, it does take steam a while to create the codes.
This discussion has been closed.