Sam & max Episodes - Widescreen support?
I consider to buy the Sam & Max episodes. The demo was running on my Tablet PC (tanks for the tablet PC support, it's fun to crontrol an andventure with pen
), but i can't play it on my PC (better Sound, performance), because my Screen resolution (1920x1200) is not supported by the game. The problem is not the native resolution (my video card can interpolate :eek: wee!), the problem is the aspect ratio of the screen. The game looks stretched on my screen, wich is ugly
Will widescreen be supported in the boxed version of the games?
I consider to buy the Sam & Max episodes. The demo was running on my Tablet PC (tanks for the tablet PC support, it's fun to crontrol an andventure with pen

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Otherwise it worked and looked nice, so it would only take some minor adjustments from them to make this work correctly.
That is the reason why we didn't support widescreen in season one.
Look. Please don't try to tell developers how easy it is to do something with THEIR ENGINE. :rolleyes: You don't know.
Okay, while we're on it...
I'd like to see completely configurable DAR/PAR (display/pixel aspect ratio).
Why have even more strange options?!?!?
--> I've got a Panasonic Plasma TV 42" and while CVBS/S-Video quality when connected to my notebook is very bad, the quality via the integrated VGA is great!
But, the problem is, while this TV has a 16:9 screen, it accepts only 1024x768 and 1280x1024 (4:3 & 5:4 respectively) resolutions... :eek::mad:
I don't know what the Panasonic guys were thinking...
But it would be great if I could define a 1024x768 resolution in S&M in the options menue, but tell it also to use a non-square pixel aspect ratio (PAR != 1:1), so that the image is "smashed" along the horizontal axis on a regular 1024x768 resolution. Kind of anamorphic recording in cinemas - just the other way.
So when the 16:9 TV is displaying the 4:3 image it is correct again.
Of course this stuff isn't supposed to be in the GUI, but in a config file.
Even if this sounds complicated, it's actually quite easy: Just scale along one axis only, a bit bi/trilinear filtering -> voilà!
DAR = PAR x SAR, or PAR = DAR / SAR, so if I tell S&M to use 1024x768 (SAR - storage aspect ratio of 4:3), and would like 16:9 on my TV (which equals 1365x768 at same height), I have to use 4:3 PAR, meaning the information of one pixel is "smashed" into 75% on the x-axis (horizontal) while staying 100% on the y-axis (vertical). So a bit bilinear filtering is a must (but no problem with Direct3D/OpenGL while post-processing).
I played S&M on the big screen and it is fun, just that they look so fat...
This _should_ be handled by some driver feature, but I couldn't find anything on ForceWare and OmegaDrivers.
There's also the possibility of writing a hook for d3d9.dll / opengl32.dll (for supporting older games), but this is a rather daunting task...
In Quake you could change the FOV (field of view) via the console, to compensate for it, but still have the GUI stretched.
Yes, I know, a very "special" request...
...and I'm sure you'll ignore it, but at least I tried to heat this mother up...
And to Panasonic, in the vile words of the Angry Nintendo Nerd: What were they thinking?!?!?!
Ah yes, BTW, if anybody had a similar problem and knows the solution, I would appreciate some answer.
I couldn't find much help on the web, as searching for "16:9 4:3" stuff gives a zillion results for DVD stuff, which is completely unrelated.
I could only find one guy on a german forum with the exactly same problem...
You cant configure weird stuff like that in your PC's display card driver settings per resolution or something?
but there a game that have that option, its Call of duty, cod 2 and cod4MW.
COD in graphic option allow us to set whatever aspecratio on whatever resolution.
1024x768 can be set as 16:10, so it will have correct AR on wide monitor.
i dont understand how they do that, but thats still possible, i think
oh, and for Widescreen problem
if you use DVI LCD monitor or playing on widescreen notebook
also have ATi Graphic card, you can set to "perserve wide aspec ratio", not "stretch to fit"
it then will display sam & max in 4:3 in 16:10 lcd, with black borer on right and left
i dont know wether NVIDIA also have this option.
btw, fun game !