[WD] Game not working (Steam)

edited May 2012 in Game Support
I had a quick flick through some other pages to make sure I wasnt posting something someone else already has, and didnt notice anything.

I bought Walking dead off steam 2 days ago, dl'ed and installed it with no issues.. now thats the games fully installed, I go to play it, via desktop sc or steam lib... and when I click it after about 5 seconds of what seems to be loading, a small box with "WalkingDead101.exe stopped working" that it gives options of closing program or searching for an online solution...

I have no idea what to do. my 1st instinct was uninstall and redl, incase of a coruption when dling... after doing that it still wont work...

Only other thing I cna think of is I live in Australia... and its some anti gore thing the govs put onto the game, since apparently... people above the age of 18.. cant make their own decisions towards gore and mature themes in games... Cause after all.. Zombies... thats realism right there >.>

So yeh... anyone have any ideas? cause im all out.



  • edited April 2012
    Try disconnecting from your internet and see how that goes. It may seem silly but it might work. I have had that same problem and thats what i did it seemed to work.
  • edited April 2012
    Ah ok, so it may be an issue with the actual steam itself, instead of the game?
  • edited April 2012
    @AQU1ETPerson, just tried, and still no luck >., Ty for trying to help :)
  • edited April 2012
    Maybe try setting the thewalkingdead101.exe and steam.exe compatibility to (xp service pack 3) and privilege level to administrator as well. hopefully that will work.
  • edited April 2012
    I have the same issue what to do?
  • edited April 2012
    @weeeeee02 if i knew.. I wouldnt be here.
  • edited April 2012
    be nice if the mods got back to ya about their faulty game...
  • DjNDBDjNDB Moderator
    edited April 2012
    Have you tried the suggestions from the support FAQ?
  • edited April 2012
    this really sucks!!

    i bought the game 2 days ago and untill now i cant launch it!

    i tried everything and nothing seems to work!!

    Telltale either refund us or find a fix ASAP!!!
  • edited May 2012
    same thing here, I've done everything I can think of and I still cant find aaaaany reason why this game isnt working.

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