Dead link on desktop

I do not know if this would be the right forum because there is a program fault while downloading I want to discuss.

If I download an episode and cancel it (for any reason) and answer yes for finishing the download later on, the program creates a link on the desktop (as I used the default download path) called as example: "Finish Downloading Sam & Max: Complete 1st Season (Episode 1)". And there is a problem as Windoes XP does not accept a ":" if entered by a normal user. So now I have a dead link that has no file in the according directory. This should be changed into a text without any symbol Windows does not like.

I love Sam & Max and everything worked fine until this moment I wanted to download the episodes again because of a system wide crash. I can download them but I canceled one because of something I wanted to change and afterwards was the dead link.



  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2007
    Thanks very much for reporting this. We don't control how that text shows up (the download manager is handled by our ecommerce provider), but I will inform the appropriate people.

    Were you able to download Culture Shock by starting the download over from the beginning? You can do that by looking up your order here.
  • neanea
    edited May 2007
    Thank you for the response. I was able to download all episodes without any problems. There was just this one incident with the cancellation of one download. Actually all episodes are installed and already played again ^^
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