The Walking Dead for PS Vita ?
I was wondering if there was going to be a Vita version of the walking dead game. I played it on ps3 and enjoyed it a lot. With the vita's choice of controls. it seems like it would be great to interact and play the game on the system. It has the power to run a little scaled down version of the ps3 game. I saw somewhere that it was available on the Ipad too.
So it's a question and a request - The Walking Dead on the PS Vita please.......????
I was wondering if there was going to be a Vita version of the walking dead game. I played it on ps3 and enjoyed it a lot. With the vita's choice of controls. it seems like it would be great to interact and play the game on the system. It has the power to run a little scaled down version of the ps3 game. I saw somewhere that it was available on the Ipad too.
So it's a question and a request - The Walking Dead on the PS Vita please.......????
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It does make sense and its worth thinking about unless it is already planned ofc.
Deejay's point about the controls fitting is spot on, since point and click is pretty much the same as point and press on a touch interface, and it would work especially well on the Vita since it has joysticks, a d-pad and face buttons to help with moving around and the QTEs.
I guess it could work on iOS devices too, but I don't know how they would make you move without physical buttons.
I'm sorry if the title is misleading but i did it intentionally so that people may read this and post as many comments as possible.
We want that, right now....
The vita is such an awesome 'gaming' device. I like it better the i devices. if it is on ipad it should be on vita too. that's not fair developers..hehehe
i thought the wii u was getting twd ?
Oooh then I want TWD for my Atari
Why would that be such a stretch, exactly? Besides, Telltale's developed quite a bit for the Wii. As much as they have for the 360, in fact.
Though it hasn't been confirmed, I don't think a Wii U version of The Walking Dead is too hard to imagine.
Might not be an impossible thing for the Wii U to have the game. If this happens though, I think it would be accurate to have it released after all the episodes are out.
yeah, not that i plan on getting a wii u...unless i traded in my existing wii and some games and it can play game cube games and i win the lottery or i find a nice rich girl lol
the controller just looks like a pain in the ass to use and the 'pro controller' is just a straight xbox/ps3 rip off..
Come on TT, do it.
Understandable, yes millions of people own apple products but how many of those millions actually own them to play games on? The Vita is made for games so there's no question that TWD will find a true gaming audience there. Its a shame that a great game like this will skip a dedicated gaming device for a phone or tablet. I wonder how much TWD has sold on IOS? I'd take Remote Play if it works the way it is supposed to but I'd prefer a straight port. I can be sure if it happens people would double dip just for the experience of having it on the Vita.
If I had the money I'd finance the Vita version. Please make it happen guys there's a lot of Vita owners over on GAF who would love TWD on Vita and more around the globe.
A vita version of The Walking Dead would be great and instant buy for me... !!!
Please do it :-)
or make for psvita
Walking Dead -Vultures Wreak- so you have different characters in a different part of america
please consider this you dont have to but it would be cool
I don't think it bad, I love my Vita I use it every day on the bus on my way to work. Best money spent for the system.
As for the Walking Dead for Vita I would buy it.
I'd think about buying a Vita for TWD
But if you did have a vita, would you want to see the walking dead become a vita title too. Think about it.
I know. But if they had the time to do the game do it works for iOS then surely they can do it for the vita.
Actually, now that I think about it. If the Playstation Vita has similar code to the PS3, then they could do it. Not sure if they do have similar code, but it could.
Exactly aha
will there ever be a psvita version, the handheld has more than enough power to run it.
Really hope so. Telltale made the game avalible on the iPod/ iPhone/ iPad. So surely they can do it for the PS VITA
On the other hand, the Samsung Galaxy Note and Note 2 phones have the S-Pen at their disposal, giving much-needed precision to single-finger touch gaming. The S-Pen made my experience with Eufloria HD enjoyable; I didn't have to continually zoom in and out to effectively select asteroids and perform commands.
Thank you