Issues with BttF and Monkey Island (again)

edited May 2012 in Game Support
Late last year I made a thread about a blank screen when I tried to run Back to the Future and Monkey Island. Turned out it was a driver issue and one where the game (for some reason) will not run on medium and high graphical settings.

I had updated the drivers recently again and I could run BttF. Then I had the bright idea to try and see if it would run in medium and high and got the same blank screen and then was unable to put it back to low, because of the black screen. So now I'm stuck with not being able to play that (even after a complete reinstall) and Monkey Island never gives me the chance to change the graphic setting.

Any help would be completely awesome. I'd love to be able to play these games again, but if I can't even see the screen to change the settings then I guess they're just going to collect dust. :( BTW: when I hit alt+enter to make it go windowed mode, it still freezes up. I've ran as administrator and that does no good, as does trying to run it in any compatibility mode.

DXDiag included! :)

Thanks once again. Hopefully this time when I have a "bright idea" I'll just give myself a smack upside the head and not try it. :P


  • DjNDBDjNDB Moderator
    edited May 2012
    The last time replacing the prefs.prop helped. You also had to log out of the launcher. You can read it starting here.
  • edited May 2012
    Yeah I remember that, but I don't think it helped monkey island. I'll try it again. (Also I didn't want to bump an old thread either incase that's frowned upon) It's just frustrating and I don't understand why I can't run these on anything other than low settings.
  • edited May 2012
    Yeah, just like before. That prefs.prop doesn't work for Monkey Island. :\ Did for BttF though. bleh.
  • DjNDBDjNDB Moderator
    edited May 2012
    Sadly i don't have any good ideas, besides what we already tried the last time.
  • edited May 2012
    I dunno man. Maybe I need to go back to an old driver, change the settings to low, then update to the new driver? It's just very frustrating. :| Thanks again for all your help man, I appreciate it.
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