Reversion - The Escape

edited November 2012 in General Chat
Hello Guys!

I'm from a small company in Argentina and we love Adventure Games too! :)
We made a small production of a Sci-fi adventure and we would like to share it with you.

The game is completely free for download.


I hope you like it :)

The URL for download:

we have posted the second chapter on the Steam Greenlight project. We will really appreciate your support!!

Thanks a lot!
3f Team.


  • edited May 2012
    I just finished playing what I gather is the first episode of several to come? Overall it's a pretty entertaining game, and what I saw gave me the impression you're somewhat inspired by Runaway. The animations have a charming style, although the walk cycles seem a bit awkward, especially when the protagonist is walking away from the camera. I thought different interactive parts of the photo was interesting and
    expected they would contain some sort of puzzle
    . I don't understand Spanish, but the voice acting seemed pretty decent. The English translations weren't too good, but I didn't really expect that from a low budget indie game, and they work well enough. The puzzles are the main strength of this game, even if it isn't always clear what your immediate goal is, but that's more of a narrative problem. I especially thought the puzzle where you have to figure out how to get the
    key to the warehouse
    was challenging and creative. There's also a lot of hotspots, which adds to the difficulty.
  • edited May 2012
    flesk wrote: »
    I just finished playing what I gather is the first episode of several to come? Overall it's a pretty entertaining game, and what I saw gave me the impression you're somewhat inspired by Runaway. The animations have a charming style, although the walk cycles seem a bit awkward, especially when the protagonist is walking away from the camera. I thought different interactive parts of the photo was interesting and
    expected they would contain some sort of puzzle
    . I don't understand Spanish, but the voice acting seemed pretty decent. The English translations weren't too good, but I didn't really expect that from a low budget indie game, and they work well enough. The puzzles are the main strength of this game, even if it isn't always clear what your immediate goal is, but that's more of a narrative problem. I especially thought the puzzle where you have to figure out how to get the
    key to the warehouse
    was challenging and creative. There's also a lot of hotspots, which adds to the difficulty.

    Hello Flesk!

    Thanks for the reply!!
    Yes, the game is the first chapter of a trilogy. We are working on the second chapter now.

    All your comments are really constructive!!! and inspire us to work harder

    Thank again!
    3f Team.
  • edited May 2012
    I'm happy to help and it's really nice to see these kinds of games being made. You might want to make a post about your game on the Double Fine Action Forums as well. They're getting a lot of attention now after the extremely successful Double Fine Adventure kickstarter, and I get the feeling reading those forums that there's a lot of people there hungry for new adventure games.
  • edited May 2012
    flesk wrote: »
    I'm happy to help and it's really nice to see these kinds of games being made. You might want to make a post about your game on the Double Fine Action Forums as well. They're getting a lot of attention now after the extremely successful Double Fine Adventure kickstarter, and I get the feeling reading those forums that there's a lot of people there hungry for new adventure games.

    Thanks again Flesk!
    It's amazing what they have accomplish with that campaign, I'm really happy about the prospects of the genre :).

    I'm going to follow your advice!

    Thanks a lot!
  • edited June 2012
    we have started an indiegogo campaign to raise funds for the second chapter. We will really appreciate your support!!
  • edited June 2012
    I just contributed a little to the campaign. It looks like you're off to a slow start, but I hope you'll be able to get the word out and increase the pace of contributions.

    To anyone wondering, it's possible to use Paypal, since it's a so-called flexible funding campaign.
  • edited June 2012
    Thanks a lot flesk!!!! We really appreciate your support! :)
    And we hope that too!
  • edited June 2012
    flesk wrote: »
    I just contributed a little to the campaign. It looks like you're off to a slow start, but I hope you'll be able to get the word out and increase the pace of contributions.
    Unfortunately, I think the problem there is the choice of site. IndieGoGo, while great for European developers, is nowhere near as well known as Kickstarter, so people simply don't know about it. There's not been a Double Fine to get people interested in the site, sadly.

    Still, I've pledged (I had to sign up to do so, which kinda backs up my theory) and I wish you guys all the best.

    If I may make a suggestion or two? Possibly make another tier between $25 and $100 - maybe something around the $50 mark? It's a pretty big gap and having something fill it might encourage bigger pledges.

    Something that usually looks good to potential pledgers is having something physical, so maybe you could put the first two chapters on CD/DVD? I'd go for it. Plus, then you could have a classic boxed version at another, higher tier. People LOVE old-school boxed games, so there's food for thought.
  • edited June 2012
    Hello Darth Marsden!

    Thank you very much for your support!! :)
    We know that indiegogo is not as popular as kickstarter, but to present a project there, you need to be an US Citizen. As we are from Argentina, that was not an option :(

    I'll try to follow your advise by adding a tier. I hope that indiegogo let me do that after the campaign is in motion.

    Thanks again!!! I'll keep you updated about our progress :)
  • edited June 2012

    Following the advice of Darth Marsden, I have added a reward of 40u$s that allow you to participate in a closed beta and share yours ideas with us, and I have changed the prices of all other rewards to make them more affordable :)

    This is our first experience in crowfunding, we are learning a lot!

    Thanks all for your support!
  • edited June 2012
    Sweet. Time to change my pledge.

    EDIT: Oh. IndieGoGo doesn't let you alter your pledge. That's... not good. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that it's an awful decision on the part of IndieGoGo. One of the great things about Kickstarter is that you can manage your pledge as often as you like because it doesn't actually take any money from you until the project's been funded. IndieGoGo seems to just take your money with no wiggle room.
  • edited June 2012
    Sweet. Time to change my pledge.

    EDIT: Oh. IndieGoGo doesn't let you alter your pledge. That's... not good. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that it's an awful decision on the part of IndieGoGo. One of the great things about Kickstarter is that you can manage your pledge as often as you like because it doesn't actually take any money from you until the project's been funded. IndieGoGo seems to just take your money with no wiggle room.

    Yeah, I often adjust up my pledge closer to the end of Kickstarter campaigns, since I then will have a better idea of how much I can afford. It shouldn't really be a problem for IndieGoGo to let you change your pledge upwards, since that would only be a matter of calculating the difference to what you paid for your previous pledge and charging you that.

    3 anonymous + Cecilia Muñoz down for the four $10 pledges. I wonder who pledged $25? Could it be that darthmarsden guy with his anonymous pledge? I have to admit I'm a bit confused by the settings on that site. I also don't know how I ended up with a user name I did not want there. I think it just uses your email address with no way of changing it?

    Overall IndieGoGo seems a lot less mature than Kickstarter, but I realize they didn't have much choice in regards to funding platforms. Ulule seems a bit better and more configurable to me, but it probably has its problems as well.
  • edited June 2012
    flesk wrote: »
    Yeah, I often adjust up my pledge closer to the end of Kickstarter campaigns, since I then will have a better idea of how much I can afford. It shouldn't really be a problem for IndieGoGo to let you change your pledge upwards, since that would only be a matter of calculating the difference to what you paid for your previous pledge and charging you that.
    According to the FAQ, you have to get in touch with the campaign runner to sort out the difference in pledge/tiers/rewards. It's a hassle I suspect people could quite happily do without. Also, with PayPal, you're basically paying now (and I suspect get a refund if the project isn't successful), so increasing the amount isn't possible. You have to work out the difference between yourself and the campaign runner, then sort out which tier you should be on... ugh. Kickstarter was so much more simple.
    flesk wrote: »
    3 anonymous + Cecilia Muñoz down for the four $10 pledges. I wonder who pledged $25? Could it be that darthmarsden guy with his anonymous pledge? I have to admit I'm a bit confused by the settings on that site. I also don't know how I ended up with a user name I did not want there. I think it just uses your email address with no way of changing it?
    Damn, busted! :p Yeah, I'm pretty sure they use your e-mail address. Doesn't matter to me much, but eh.
    flesk wrote: »
    Overall IndieGoGo seems a lot less mature than Kickstarter, but I realize they didn't have much choice in regards to funding platforms. Ulule seems a bit better and more configurable to me, but it probably has its problems as well.
    The thing with Kickstarter is it uses Amazon Payments, which allows you to say "I'm going to pay this amount later, but only if the guy I'm paying it to gives it the OK" on a large scale with hundreds of people. I don't know if PayPal has that ability, or if IndieGoGo is designed to use it if they do.
  • edited June 2012
    It does seem most of the limitations are down to not being able to use Amazon Payments, since they require the recipient to have a US bank account. There's a blog post on where they mention that they're hoping PayPal’s Adaptive Payments service might make it possible to support non-US projects in the future, but that post is already two and a half years old.
  • edited June 2012
    Or maybe amazon could expand their payments gateway to accept citizens from other countries :)
  • edited June 2012
    OK, either I'm being blind of IndieGoGo is really badly designed. If someone sends me a comment, how the hell do I view it (outside of the e-mail telling me I've got a comment in the first place)?
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited June 2012
    I blogged about this, but I'm going to hold off on my pledge due to the difficulties in raising your pledge amount on indiegogo. I'd like to pledge more than I have right now, so I'll make my pledge once I can. :)
  • edited June 2012
    Hello Jennifer!
    Thanks a lot for helping us spreading the word about the campaign :)
    As you have already pointed out, it's has been difficult raising our pledge, but there is still a lot of time ahead, so we are confident that somehow we'll make our goal.

    Thanks a lot again :)
  • edited October 2012

    The first chapter will be available on the Apple store tomorow :)

    We are also working hard on the second chapter!
    Thanks a lot for your support!! :)
  • edited October 2012
    Congrats on making it to iOS! I don't have any interest in the platform personally, but it's a good step towards getting more attention to your game. Looking forward to the next chapter.
  • edited October 2012
    Thanks a lot flesk! :)

    We are working hard on the second chapter!
    I'll keep you updated about it :)

  • edited November 2012

    We have posted the second chapter of Reversion on the Steam Greenlight project. Anyone with a Steam account who like to help, you could do it by jumping to this link and vote for it. :)

    Thanks a lot in advance :)
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