Zombie artists in the house?

edited June 2012 in The Walking Dead
I'm writing a zombie apocalypse fictional autobiography story, and would like to know if anyone is into zombie art. I have an agent already, though I'm not near finished with the book. I'm considering doing a kickstarter project for it too, not sure I'll go that route tho. But if anyone is into the graphic art and would like to contribute, I'd be more than willing to give a preview of the book, and be sure to provide some sort of compensation if it ever gets published and sells lol


  • edited May 2012
    No artists around?
  • edited June 2012
    I sent an email to Charlie Adlard to see if he or any of his artist friends would be interested in paid freelance work. Here's hoping it gets me somewhere!
  • edited June 2012
    dunno about artist but i make funny meme's
  • edited June 2012
    hey bro, I'm a tattoo artist and I just happen to have a fatuation in zombies. I can send you some of my stuff, and all the usual intellectual property stuff applies.


  • edited June 2012
    Awesome man, was starting to think there weren't any artists out there lol

    High hopes!
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