Installed law and order but screen just goes black

edited May 2012 in Game Support
Installed law and order a few minutes ago and when I click on the ap the screen just goes black. I'm trying to play the game on my iPad.


  • edited May 2012
    I have almost the same problem. I finished chapter 4 and wanted to install chapter 5 but then it stuck. It says the whole time that it is checking for updates and then it turns off the game. I tried everything but no result. I switched the Router off, I re-installed the game but nothing. Can u tell me what to do????? Or maybe you guys have to do something about it, like refresh the game or something? It is really annoying not to be able to go further when you already have paid for those games. I hope you find a solution quickly.

    Thanks in advance.
  • edited May 2012
    I have not been able to play the game at all I just installed the free version 1.0 and I can buy any further episodes or play the free version. This sucks I was looking forward to it!
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