[WD] Game Freeze??

edited May 2012 in Game Support
Hey, I bought the season pass and finished episode 1 today. Only problem is, after they show the preview for episode 2 and the "stats" are about to come up, my game freezes. It is on my ps3. I re-did it because I thought it was my fault somehow...again, froze. Any advice?


  • edited May 2012
    bet.50 wrote: »
    Hey, I bought the season pass and finished episode 1 today. Only problem is, after they show the preview for episode 2 and the "stats" are about to come up, my game freezes. It is on my ps3. I re-did it because I thought it was my fault somehow...again, froze. Any advice?

    Exact same problem here. Also on a PS3.
    Upon finishing Ep01, lights go out and preview comes.
    After the axe hacking final scene of the preview, the game loads a screen (I'm guessing it's the stats people are talking about) and then freezes. Continue (x) does not work, and I need to Quit the game through the PS button.
    Deleted the game and I'm now downloading again to reinstall it, wishing that the save games are kept unharmed.
    Very disappointing!
    Please advise.
  • edited May 2012
    Yea very unhappy about it...I've changed the audio/visual setting to see if that would help (seems to with other people??) and it did nothing. I re-played the final scene probably 4 times and same thing every time. Let me know if that works for you!
  • edited May 2012
    Sorry this is happening. We're looking into it now but haven't been able to reproduce it internally yet.
  • edited May 2012
    Thanks for getting back to me...I'll give it another shot tonight, and just hope something was messed up Sunday...I'll reply after doing so
  • edited May 2012
    It worked this time...saw the credits and everything!
  • edited May 2012
    bet.50 - What did you do differently to make it work?
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