Sam and Max DVD alert

RyanRyan Telltale Alumni
Yes the time is near for the pre-orders to start for season 1 customers!


For anyone that I have linked to the DVD info page recently, it has just been brought to my attention that the page is temporarily MIA.. We hope to rectify this asap and I'll post back when it's back from where ever it went.


  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited June 2007
    Yeah, for some reason the page at isn't displaying properly, and Doug's on vacation for a couple of days so we might not get it back up until next week.

    Here's what that page is supposed to say:
    So, you like your games on a disc, huh?

    You're in luck! As a special deal for our Season 1 customers, Telltale is putting together a Season 1 DVD that will contain all six games, plus many of our Sam & Max videos -- stuff like trailers, machinima shorts, Season 1 outtakes, a concept art montage, and cutscene video gallery with hours of commentary from the team. These videos will be playable on your DVD player. Fun! Also, the disc will come in a case with an original cover by Steve Purcell. Double fun!

    The price, you ask? Why, it's free! You just pay shipping and handling, and any taxes your government requires. When the DVD is ready (we're aiming for mid-June), come back to this page and enter your Season 1 order number, and we'll take care of the rest. We'll even make it easy for you by sending you an email when the time comes.

    See? Just when you thought Season 1 was over and you'd have nothing Sam & Max-y to play with all summer, you get to start all over again. Life is good.

    Some Burning Questions

    Will the episodes on the disc require online activation?
    No, they won't. You'll need your disc in the drive to play, but that's it. See, we do listen to you guys!

    Will the video DVD work on European players?
    The DVD will be NTSC format, which we've been told by our esteemed European advisors will work on most PAL players. It will not be region locked.

    This all sounds great, but my computer doesn't have a DVD drive!
    We surveyed our customers recently and learned that only 2% are without a DVD drive. If you're one of them, email us and we'll work something out. Of course, the video content will always be playable on any TV with a DVD player!

    I bought all six episodes individually. Can I get this disc?
    Sure, you've earned it. Just email us when you're ready to place your order and we'll send you a coupon code.

    This new video content sounds cool, but I don't want to shell out for shipping to see it.
    You're in luck, too! We're planning to release the new videos on our website all summer long, to keep your Sam & Max withdrawal at bay. People who order the DVD will get a sneak preview, but it'll also be available on the site when all's said and done.
  • edited June 2007
    I'll pre-order the Disc Retail Version at Gamestop! Not only will I get the extras that are on the disc, but I'll also get a special Walkthrough book for those who either want to cheat, or are stuck on certain parts! Makes for good offline reference!
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited June 2007
    The retail disk is not exactly the same as ours. It's still going to be a great product and the strategy guide preorder deal is awesome (I almost want to preorder one myself!) But I wanted to make sure you knew that the features of the retail disk aren't exactly the same the ones on our disk (described above).
  • edited June 2007
    y hello thar

    I retrospectively accidentally purchased the three first episodes on Steam before realizing that I could get a DVD n stuff by ordering the full season from here. Since I'm totally stupid for extra stuff I was therefore thinking of purchasing your lovely game 1.5 times. According to calculations it should be an extra $15 or so more expensive than continuing to buy it on Steam, which isn't too bad in Sweden money. But the but here is the shipping fee. Depending on that I might only buy the game one time. Yes, that's a threat.

    So I was wondering if there's some way you could give me some form of estimate on how much it'd cost to in some way ship the damn thing to Sweden?
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited June 2007
    We don't know for sure yet, but we estimate that shipping the DVD will probably cost about $10 to Europe.

    No matter what you decide, I love hearing that this whole thing started by you purchasing the game through Steam. The fact that new people are discovering Sam & Max due to the Steam launch makes me very happy. :D
  • edited June 2007
    Emily wrote: »
    We don't know for sure yet, but we estimate that shipping the DVD will probably cost about $10 to Europe.

    No matter what you decide, I love hearing that this whole thing started by you purchasing the game through Steam. The fact that new people are discovering Sam & Max due to the Steam launch makes me very happy. :D
    Well it makes me sadpy. I probably wouldn't have bought it if it weren't for Steam, but due to Steam I won't get the DVD. $25 is too much in Sweden money even. Damn you, you magnificent service!
  • edited June 2007
    Emily wrote: »
    Yeah, for some reason the page at isn't displaying properly, and Doug's on vacation for a couple of days so we might not get it back up until next week.

    Yeah, sorry about that. I'll have it fixed in a couple of hours when I get into the office.

    Edit: The page should be working again now.
  • edited June 2007
    If I buy sam and max season 1 from Steam, can i still to get a this bonus dvd?
    if not, i'll buy season 1 from this site
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited June 2007
    Nope, the DVD is only available to Telltale's Season 1 customers.
This discussion has been closed.