Telltale game crash fixed

edited June 2012 in Game Support
My Telltale game was crashing and heres what I found. I was running my PC through my home theater receiver (HDMI) So I disco'd the HTR and I plugged my monitor direct to the PC the game played fine. I wasnt using audio over HDMI, it was disabled in NV. I was playing BTTF pt 2 (pt1 didnt have any issues) Nvidia 295. I got an appcrash from the game exe and a device init error showing my HT receivers name (a clue Marty!) Latest WHQ drivers to date, win7 64. Steam version. mod/admin can ping me for DX dump if so desired.


  • edited June 2012
    Ive gone forward it time to thank myself in advance for posting this fix. Thank you me! Now Im going Back to The Future! (pt2)
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