Unpleasant Hypothetical Choices Thread [unless they are later actual choices]

CapnJayCapnJay Banned
edited June 2012 in The Walking Dead
TWDG promises to give us alot of choices but while we wait i thought we could make up our own hypothetical situations .


Kennys fishing boat doesn't have room for Lee. Clementine wants to stay with you but she might be safer with Kaatja , Kenny, and Duck . Do you seperate her from Lee against her will so she can go off with them to possible safety and leave Lee Alone again naturally. Or does Lee and Clem part ways to survive the world together?

Or you have to choose between saving Duck and Clementine or Lee and Clementine {Kenny and Kaatja and the other adults are already dead. What do you do? Save the children and hope they can survive without adults? Or let Duck die in order to personally protect Clementine

Feel free to answer these and add your own


  • edited June 2012
    Let. Duck. DIE!
  • edited June 2012
    dunno to early to see where to game leads lol

    if we getting new characters would imply current one die or leave

    so we now lilly has to live and leave and we lost glenn in the same way..
  • edited June 2012
    We got a long way to go but those are some interesting decisions you give.
  • CapnJayCapnJay Banned
    edited June 2012
    Anybody got any ideas anyone else want to make a choice i gave and defend it?
  • edited June 2012
    well i don't want to spoil it for myself or others but i'm going to watch the preview live lol

    as long as clem survives intact, don't think i could bare to see her hurt

    lee i feel should survive to a point

    kenny poor sod such a nice guy i'd like him to stick around

    everyone else is expendable unless they prove to be of use later
  • edited June 2012
    TWDG promises to give us alot of choices but while we wait i thought we could make up our own hypothetical situations .


    Kennys fishing boat doesn't have room for Lee. Clementine wants to stay with you but she might be safer with Kaatja , Kenny, and Duck . Do you seperate her from Lee against her will so she can go off with them to possible safety and leave Lee Alone again naturally. Or does Lee and Clem part ways to survive the world together?

    Kenny doesn't allow Lee to go on the boat due to low morale or Kaatja is bitten, and slowing turning. Kenny cannot bear to acknowledge this. High morale/friendship with Lee can significantly change his opinion...he will remember that Lee stuck his neck out for him before and his family. This could enable Lee to persuade him that the only way he can help his wife is to leave/kill her. Lee must do this though. Kenny will not kill his wife.

    While Kenny understands this (if there is a second season that carries over) Duck does not. He is too young, and will remember Lee persuading Kenny to go along with and allow Lee to kill Kaatja. Assuming Clem is present...depending on the level of realism that Lee uses with her...will also be affected positively or negatively. For instance...explaining the truth about zombies and how people really are...being honest and not sugar coating things...will cause Clem to understand. However if Lee is trying to keep things through rose-colored/optimistic lenses...Clem will be shocked and appalled by what is happening and also reactive negatively and maybe even distrust Lee.

    If Kenny does not have a friendship with Lee, he will not take Lee along. This poses a problem and Lee will have to act accordingly. Most likely it would cause a square off between Kenny and Lee. While they are fighting Kaatja turns and captures Duck, eating him. Kenny doesn't know what to do. My guess is that he ends up running towards Kaatja to try to stop her and Lee has the option to try to help him or let him ultimately die while Duck watches.

    ...this is getting kinda messed up.
  • edited June 2012
    CapnJay wrote: »
    TWDG promises to give us alot of choices but while we wait i thought we could make up our own hypothetical situations .


    Kennys fishing boat doesn't have room for Lee. Clementine wants to stay with you but she might be safer with Kaatja , Kenny, and Duck . Do you seperate her from Lee against her will so she can go off with them to possible safety and leave Lee Alone again naturally. Or does Lee and Clem part ways to survive the world together?

    Or you have to choose between saving Duck and Clementine or Lee and Clementine {Kenny and Kaatja and the other adults are already dead. What do you do? Save the children and hope they can survive without adults? Or let Duck die in order to personally protect Clementine

    Feel free to answer these and add your own

    Bittersweet endings leaves a tangy taste
  • edited June 2012
    wow just watched the e3 section by ttg :)
    hint about larry is bit or injured and lee must decide to kill him or not
  • edited June 2012
    wow just watched the e3 section by ttg :)
    hint about larry is bit or injured and lee must decide to kill him or not
    I hope its him i get to axe :D
  • edited June 2012
    Roody wrote: »
    I hope its him i get to axe :D
    sounds like you do ;)
  • edited June 2012
    Lee and Clem will always be together. FOREVER! The zombies will starve themselves out. The outbreak will die off. Lee will adopt Clem and they will buy a freakin' house with a yard and a fence. Lee will get her a dog and they will love each other FOREVER.

    That is the only way. I accept nothing else....

    Actually it would be cool to see him have to pick her over Kenny and his family. Kenny being all " But we are friends!" ( If you helped him) and try to talk you out of it. But it won't matter. The house they always wanted will be for sale down the street...
  • CapnJayCapnJay Banned
    edited June 2012
    SrslyYo? wrote: »
    Lee and Clem will always be together. FOREVER! The zombies will starve themselves out. The outbreak will die off. Lee will adopt Clem and they will buy a freakin' house with a yard and a fence. Lee will get her a dog and they will love each other FOREVER.

    That is the only way. I accept nothing else....

    Actually it would be cool to see him have to pick her over Kenny and his family. Kenny being all " But we are friends!" ( If you helped him) and try to talk you out of it. But it won't matter. The house they always wanted will be for sale down the street...

    when you tell kenny you have to ask clem he says "Gotta ask the missus huh? I understand"
  • edited June 2012
    CapnJay wrote: »
    when you tell kenny you have to ask clem he says "Gotta ask the missus huh? I understand"

    As a woman, it only makes sense to me. Not only that, but it seems no matter what side I try to do ( Good Lee or Bad Lee) I find it to hard not to be open and honest with Clem.

    Always ask the Lady. They are usually right anyways. ;)
  • CapnJayCapnJay Banned
    edited June 2012
    SrslyYo? wrote: »
    As a woman, it only makes sense to me. Not only that, but it seems no matter what side I try to do ( Good Lee or Bad Lee) I find it to hard not to be open and honest with Clem.

    Always ask the Lady. They are usually right anyways. ;)

    Thats how my grandpa raised me. My dad tried to raise me that women are objects of amusement only one of those lessons stuck.
  • edited June 2012
    SrslyYo? wrote: »
    As a woman, it only makes sense to me. Not only that, but it seems no matter what side I try to do ( Good Lee or Bad Lee) I find it to hard not to be open and honest with Clem.

    Always ask the Lady. They are usually right anyways. ;)

    back up a sec Your a WOMAN ? with that id tag ?

    wow i couldn't of called that...HEllooooooooooooooo ;)
  • CapnJayCapnJay Banned
    edited June 2012
    back up a sec Your a WOMAN ? with that id tag ?

    wow i couldn't of called that...HEllooooooooooooooo ;)

    Good thing I feed milo a steady diet of Saltpeter and Veruca Salt
  • edited June 2012
    CapnJay wrote: »
    Good thing I feed milo a steady diet of Saltpeter and Veruca Salt

    yeah it's a tried and test method to heal brain damage inflicted by experiments ;)
  • CapnJayCapnJay Banned
    edited June 2012
    yeah it's a tried and test method to heal brain damage inflicted by experiments ;)

    Also used my the military to prevent soldiers from getting a little to feisty with women aka Anti-Viagra
  • edited June 2012
    First you take Duck across the river.
    Then you go back, pick up the Fox and take him across the river.
    Take Duck back with you, leave him there and take the Bag Of Corn across the river.
    Then go back and bring Duck across!

  • edited June 2012
    CapnJay wrote: »
    TWDG promises to give us alot of choices but while we wait i thought we could make up our own hypothetical situations .


    Kennys fishing boat doesn't have room for Lee. Clementine wants to stay with you but she might be safer with Kaatja , Kenny, and Duck . Do you seperate her from Lee against her will so she can go off with them to possible safety and leave Lee Alone again naturally. Or does Lee and Clem part ways to survive the world together?

    Or you have to choose between saving Duck and Clementine or Lee and Clementine {Kenny and Kaatja and the other adults are already dead. What do you do? Save the children and hope they can survive without adults? Or let Duck die in order to personally protect Clementine

    Feel free to answer these and add your own

    Use duck's body as a zombie shield.
  • edited June 2012
    First you take Duck across the river.
    Then you go back, pick up the Fox and take him across the river.
    Take Duck back with you, leave him there and take the Bag Of Corn across the river.
    Then go back and bring Duck across!


    Haha another fantastic post.
  • edited June 2012
    Save Clem and lee over duck everytime, duck has blood on his hands, it must be repaid
  • edited June 2012
    Lenny is tougher than kenny (knocks him out) but kenny can repair engines, as well as Lennys daughter. Kennys wife and duck are dead weight really but Lenny has a bum ticker so could cause a clusterfuck at any moment...both have viable means of escaping the zombies (boat or plane) choosing between them will be difficult. I've. Missed out some pros and cons if anyone wants to add?
  • CapnJayCapnJay Banned
    edited June 2012
    Oooh i have something to add. Larry not Lenny also i'd rather be in a boat thats engine dies then a plane
  • edited June 2012
    Plane ?

    Lilly may work in the army as an admin and 'maybe' An engine IF SHE IS LUCKY'

    but no mention 'yet' of an actual plane ?

    to assume you can find one assume lilly can fly it assume it has fuel

    you can also assume flying would be stupid because any space big enough to land in would of been taken over by the army, survivors, the walkers, cdc etc

    not to mention the noise you'd make

    boat for me...
  • edited June 2012
    oh I got one! lets say Lee and Clementine find Clems mom (alive and well) and like for the final choice your in a brutal cutscene fighting zombies as Lee and you get trapped holding the door to block them off, then Clems Mom gets trapped somewhere too and then *bang* they put you in the shoes of Clementine. she has to choose who to help, her mom whos shes been looking for for the whole season, or Lee the man thats been protecting her and took her under his wing. *Bang*
  • CapnJayCapnJay Banned
    edited June 2012
    Daaaammnn Steve only 3 posts and you whip out a perfect example

    Dang That is the hardest choice ever. I mean my loyalty is with Queen Clementine but when She herself is forced to choose. Daaaamn
  • edited June 2012
    won't happen devs said a while back before ep 1 you only play as lee..

    so more likely lee may have to choose between saving clems mum or someone else she likes maybe lee him self ?

    so it's die a hero or live to be hated by clem..
  • CapnJayCapnJay Banned
    edited June 2012
    won't happen devs said a while back before ep 1 you only play as lee..

    so more likely lee may have to choose between saving clems mum or someone else she likes maybe lee him self ?

    so it's die a hero or live to be hated by clem..

    -1 for not using the obvious batman reference
  • edited June 2012
    CapnJay wrote: »
    -1 for not using the obvious batman reference

    really which bit ? totally missed it...

    +1 for non geekiness
  • CapnJayCapnJay Banned
    edited June 2012
    You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain
  • edited June 2012
    CapnJay wrote: »
    You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain

    ah right..
  • edited June 2012
    Unpleasant hypothetical choice?.......................Issue 100 or ep2 you cant have both
  • CapnJayCapnJay Banned
    edited June 2012
    won't happen devs said a while back before ep 1 you only play as lee..

    They also said they'd release episodes monthly

  • edited June 2012
    CapnJay wrote: »
    They also said they'd release episodes monthly


    Haha. Very witty Sir Jay of Redbull
  • edited June 2012
    ownage ;)
  • I'd throw duck away as quick as my mouse would let me.
  • edited June 2012
    I keep thinking that the major plot twist in "Starved for help", is that one of the survivors will go cannibal.

    *Kenny kills new survivor to feed his family and himself*

    Kenny: I had to do it, my family's survival depended on it!

    Lee's choice:
    -Understand his decision and accept it, and follow Kenny for his boat.
    -Smile and nod, and slowly back away towards the closest exit.
  • CapnJayCapnJay Banned
    edited June 2012
    hmm good possibility
  • edited June 2012
    OzmosisCoH wrote: »
    I keep thinking that the major plot twist in "Starved for help", is that one of the survivors will go cannibal.

    *Kenny kills new survivor to feed his family and himself*

    Kenny: I had to do it, my family's survival depended on it!

    Lee's choice:
    -Understand his decision and accept it, and follow Kenny for his boat.
    -Smile and nod, and slowly back away towards the closest exit.

    Duck eat's his parents.
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