[WD] End of Ep 1 - PS3 Freeze - Fix

edited June 2012 in Game Support
I was experiencing what many folks have wityh the PS3 version of the game: After Episode 1 ends, and the preview for Episode 2 plays, the game freezes and did not show the stats or credits. There looks to be an X to click, but it can't be done.

FYI: I have a PS3 Slim, and purchased the Season Pass.

Here is what worked for me to fix (no thanks to tech support here, btw!)

I reinstalled the game and unlock key from PSN, but kept the game file. Once it reinstalled, I continued from the last save (at the motel, Glenn leaves, talking with the other group members). This time, the game finished (lights out), preview played, and I saw my stats and the credits.

OK Telltale! Ready for Episode 2! Any month now! :p
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