OSX-8 Mountain Lion, iOS6, and General Mac Discussion

edited July 2012 in General Chat
From the iOS Mountain Lion info page:

"Game Center will be expanded to include Mac games, and will also allow for those games to appear on TV screens thanks to AirPlay. Startlingly, it appears that iOS games will be playable on your Mac. The point here is to make your gaming experience as seamless as possible."

**** yes.

Also, Mountain Lion will cost $19.99 and does not require Lion to upgrade.

$20 allows me to integrate all my phone apps to my computer and vice versa (among a ton of other things)? ABOUT DARN TIME APPLE.



  • edited June 2012
    From the iOS Mountain Lion info page:

    "Game Center will be expanded to include Mac games, and will also allow for those games to appear on TV screens thanks to AirPlay. Startlingly, it appears that iOS games will be playable on your Mac. The point here is to make your gaming experience as seamless as possible."

    **** yes.

    Also, Mountain Lion will cost $19.99 and does not require Lion to upgrade.

    $20 allows me to integrate all my phone apps to my computer and vice versa (among a ton of other things)? ABOUT DARN TIME APPLE.


    Chicken. Nuggets.

  • edited June 2012
    You know what else is fingerlickin' good? Manure.

    From a dogs point of view anyway. :-P

    On the topic at hand though, the app integration sounds awesome. It's almost certainly a response to the cross platform capabilities of windows 8 though.

    I'm not a big fan of apple though. My iPod was bought new two and a half years ago. It is now three operating systems out of date. It's a 2nd Gen touch, which I thought was 3rd Gen because they all look the same, and were on sale at the same time. Turns out 3rd Gen was only 16Gb and above. So yeah, my iPod doesn't run most of the really cool games that've come out in the past year/year and a half. I didn't expect support for ever, but even a year after purchase would have been nice. Also, apple got super rich by pinching everyone else's ideas and marketing them as brand new. And then suing everything that moves. And their buzz words annoy me. Retina is just HD (I've seen the new iPad, and the display didn't look much better than on my Asus transformer, which was out over a year ago!). Airplay is just Bluetooth.

    Rant over.
  • edited June 2012
    It's always nice to see Apple catching up to the features that have been available in Android, Windows Phone, and even third-party iOS apps. It's a very interesting social event, where people act as though Apple invented and innovated features they lifted wholesale from other sources.

    Granted, progress is progress and everybody needs to keep pace with their competitor's new features, but nobody is going to act as though those people are innovating unless it's Apple that does it.
  • edited June 2012
    Meh, there's certainly a lot to complain about Apple, and I'm not a blind fangirl... except that I AM a blind fangirl. Their integration for the sight impaired is incredible, and the new UI is said to have voice recognition built in as a text feature in all native programs, sort of like SIRI but supposedly a little less interactive (which is fine, I could care less if my computer told me knock-knock jokes) and more direct. Double score.

    Long story short, the cheapest PC plus the integration software I would use (JAWS) would be more expensive than most Mac computers that come with the equivalent of JAWS standard. Normally, JAWS would be free (that is, paid for by Big Gov't), but I'm juuuuuust out of their range of blind enough to receive their support, but not sighted enough to do the important stuff like drive. So I go Mac.
  • edited June 2012
    I'm not commenting on your specific situation though, but instead on a wider social/cultural perspective. I'm interested in the fact that Apple can introduce a feature two years old into their iOS platform and be considered innovative geniuses for it. The last two major Apple press events I've watched were mostly spent looking at the things that made people clap and thinking, "Wait, iOS didn't have that yet?"

    The new features for iOS 6, the ones people are excited about, already exist in some form in ICS(a couple admittedly through third-party applications), and major Jelly Bean announcements are likely hitting later this month at Google I/O. I'm not entirely sure why people who aren't in a very specific set of circumstances are crowding around this device and treating it as a cultural zeitgeist, it's interesting purely from a psychological and cultural standpoint.
  • edited June 2012
    As someone who has both types of computers, I'd say that I like them for different reasons. I like PCs for their ability to be customized easily and relative power, and Macs for their ease of use. For instance, I find it nearly impossible to quickly browse through internet sites or type a document on a PC due to the features that appear on a Mac (two/three fingered scroll, the ability to see all open windows with the press of a button).

    I also like Mac laptops more for their compact nature, the ability to instantly back up all files, the ability to easily partition the hard drive and run an addition OS on the same machine, the fact that the hard drive shuts down when the computer falls at the speed of gravity, and the magnetic power cord (so that when someone trips over the power cord, the cord unplugs instead of dragging your computer off the table).

    I can understand why many people may find that this doesn't compensate for the large pricetag, but I have gradually found these things to be essential for me to enjoy my laptop. And it's served me well for four years. I'll probably keep it for awhile yet (though maybe with a few upgrades. Got my eye on a new hard drive and some more RAM).

    And, of course, my two PCs are brilliant. But I can't take them upstairs and read comics on them while in bed, so their relative value decreases slightly.
  • edited June 2012
    Startlingly, it appears that iOS games will be playable on your Mac. The point here is to make your gaming experience as seamless as possible.
    so it is.I see...
  • edited June 2012
    Actually, I think the more interesting Apple related news is the new laptop with the Retina display monitor and 768 GB SSD.
  • edited July 2012
    They mentioned a July release of Mountain Lion and it's the last week of July. Wonder if it will come out this week...
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