Jurassic Park for PC - unexpected end of archive

edited June 2012 in Game Support
Hi guys, I've downloaded Jurassic Park all episodes for PC twice and each time I received "Unexpected end of archive" error trying to unzip the installer.
File size is ok, 2,56 Gb (2*758*503*829 bytes), so I believe the download was completed successfully both times.
Trying to download it third time just in case, but I suppose this will not help. Fix the archive please.


  • DjNDBDjNDB Moderator
    edited June 2012
    I just downloaded and unzipped it without problems. You can check if you have the same file by comparing one of the checksums with the ones i'll post below. You can show them for your file using Hashcheck.

    Datei: JurassicPark100_Setup.zip
    CRC-32: 03f33ef2
    MD4: 983594c90dc7e750f6bbaad764770cb8
    MD5: 51e8e2a2e9d2002aa4377fc63bcfb723
    SHA-1: cf7aee078965aaaa69d0b18a012ebd09ca3edee0

    If they match you could try using a different program to unzip it, e.g. http://www.7-zip.org/.
  • edited June 2012
    Thank you! Unzipped it successfully with 7zip.
    Previously tried WinRAR 3.0.
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