Better ram usage

edited June 2012 in Game Support

Firstly, congratulations to TTG on becoming pretty successful such as 1 million episodes on the very first episode on the walking dead. As far as I can tell, the only other cool adventure game maker is double fine. Creators of psychonauts. Anyway well done

In Sam and max season 1, on a normal hard drive, there is a lag when you solve a puzzle and move on to the next part. I can live with that. However it exists in Jurassic park also. That is supposed to be like a movie and so that is not acceptable. It lags and desyncs with the voices. That's not good. I have several systems with average hard drives and they lag. Then I have a gaming laptop in raid 0 which doesn't have the issue. I shouldn't have to use raid 0 to solve such issues. You need to make better use of the ram. It's starting to get annoying now. Patch Jurassic park with better ram.

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