Help - Coach Z Eyes Placement Error in Mac version of SBCG4AP!

edited August 2012 in Game Support
I was trying out, for the first time, SBGC4AP on the Mac and I need help resolving a pretty annoying persistent Mac only glitch.

I found out that in both episodes One and Two (I have not seen the rest yet) Coach Z's Eyes are ALWAYS on his left side (not front) of his head.

Even in cutscenes.
See attached screen cap.

I use an AMD Radeon HD 6970M 2GB Graphics card.
Any help available?


  • edited June 2012
    I will quickly add here that all the other eyes of all the other characters have been working fine in both episodes.

    Only Coach Z has the bug.

    EDIT (July 1st): Is there anyone who can recommend something for me to do?
  • edited July 2012
    I post this most recent comment simply to bump this report back up to the top so that it is not over looked.

    I still can not find any solution else where. :(
  • edited August 2012

    I will not give up until I can at least talk to somebody.
  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    Looks like you gave up.
    Gumbyfan posted: »

    Bump, I will not give up until I can at least talk to somebody.

This discussion has been closed.