Can I add an extra product to an existing order before shipping?

Well, I just bought the Sam & Max Season 1 DVD, and almost 30 seconds after checkout it came to me that I also wanted the Season 1 Case File. It's possible to add this to the existing order before it's shipped, or I would have to make another order if I want to buy it?


  • edited June 2007
    Can you send an email to with your order number and the question?
  • edited June 2007
    Ok, thanks for the information (I thought that that e-mail address was just for technical problems), I'll do it .
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited June 2007
    That email address is for support of all types. Game crashes, order cancellations, shoulders to cry on. Some people also send in enormous theses on game design, and some even use the address to get pissed at us about something. So, really, whatever you send in is fair game. So, that said, helping make it easier for you to buy more stuff from us is definitely something we're interested in helping with ;)
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