TWD: Save Data Corrupted (PS3)

edited October 2012 in Game Support
Something weird happen to my The Walking Dead game save data. I was all set and ready to play my third play-through for Episode 2. I started up the game and it said "Save Data Corrupted"... All my data was erased!!! Anybody else have this problem? Now I have to start over.

It's also worth mentioning that once I turned on the PS3, I went and synched my trophies then I started up the game.


  • edited June 2012
    Happened to me starting 3rd playthrough as well.
  • edited June 2012
    Data usually gets corrupted when it was shutdown during a save.
  • edited June 2012
    it happen to me to my third walkthrough
  • edited July 2012
    Exact same thing happened to me. Is there no way to recover our saved games?
  • edited July 2012
    dlpoi wrote: »
    Exact same thing happened to me. Is there no way to recover our saved games?

    nope, your games are gone
  • edited July 2012
    happened to me as well while starting my 3rd playthrough

    so pissed off about this glitch. the customer support from telltale is so bad that after this series; i'll never buy another game from them again.
  • edited July 2012
    marcu5 wrote: »
    happened to me as well while starting my 3rd playthrough

    so pissed off about this glitch. the customer support from telltale is so bad that after this series; i'll never buy another game from them again.

    Dude the same shit just happened to me. Made an account to post about this bullshit. I bit my lip and just read the forums when the game was taking so long to be released. I was mad about the monthly promise, but knew there was nothing I could do so I just waited. I waited and the 360 version came out, I waited and the steam version came out, I waited and the PS3 version came out, I downloaded it and then had to wait again for a patch.

    So all of the waiting and I finally get to play. I go through it and loved it and went through a 2nd time with my other save game choosing all different things. So I finish the game, go back to the main screen and turn my PS3 off like normal. A few days later, aka 10 minutes ago this morning, I decide to wake and bake and go for my 3rd playthrough where I play as "..." Lee where I don't say shit usually, AND MY SAVE DATA IS CORRUPT?! Surely this can't mean my PS3 is faulted, it works just fine. Google the error and I see that it has happened to the bunch of you as well. I feel this is complete and utter bullshit on telltales part and not acceptable, since it is a problem with their game and NOT our PS3s.

    We have all pretty much had 15 or so hours of gameplay just completely erased, and I am not willing to go through the game 3 different times AGAIN to play each one their own unique way. I don't even know what to do right now, I probably won't even think about playing this or getting the next episode ever again. Telltale has really f'd up this time, and they are undoubtedly losing a paying customer.

    PS. to compensate for my feelings, I just generated random choices and played the first part again. To express how I feel about TTG, the guy that was stuck in the trap, I cut his leg half off and still left him stuck in the trap for the zombies. Not only was he already done for, now he had a bigger open wound.
  • edited July 2012
    im still mad haven't even touch/look at my ps3 because of this.
  • edited July 2012
    Is this gonna get fixed or what? It's pointless to play if my games are gonna auto delete.
  • edited July 2012
    same thing here!! its happened twice already!! how can we prevent the files from getting corrupted??? i dont want to have to keep replaying all the episodes
  • edited July 2012
    tonyyy123 wrote: »
    same thing here!! its happened twice already!! how can we prevent the files from getting corrupted??? i dont want to have to keep replaying all the episodes

    as of yet, no one from TTG will even acknowledge the bug
  • edited July 2012
    what the f*ck!!! so were gonna have to replay ALL the previous episodes everytime a new episode comes out?? thats inexcusable is there any way we can contact the TTG tech team directly? this needs to be fixed i already bought the season pass
  • edited July 2012
    Is this gonna get fixed or what? It's pointless to play if my games are gonna auto delete.

    I completely agree with this. It'll simply be a waste of time if save files keep getting erased.
  • edited July 2012
    Buuuump. Can anyone see me?
  • edited July 2012
    same thing here on the pc
  • edited July 2012
    still no assistance
  • edited July 2012
    Is it fixed?
  • edited July 2012
  • edited July 2012
    Yup... this just happened to me again. After it corrupted the first time and erased all my save slots, I re-started playing the game. First playthrough was fine all the way through Ep 2. Second playthrough was fine as well. Third playthrough, when loading up Episode 2 after just completing Ep. 1 it wouldn't load. Got that message, "Save Data Corrupted."

    I know Telltale is working on a fix, possibly, and I hope it comes out soon. I'm just frustrated after investing all this time only to have my saves erased.

    Also worth mentioning, if it helps TellTale; I do have an older PS3 model (Original 60GB Model from launch).

    I don't know if I want to invest anymore time into this game, but I will patiently wait for a fix, hopefully.
  • Happened to me today...
    I feel your pain.... They stole hours from our live by making a game that is glitchy as fuck....
    Bethesda ( Which sucks ) ----> (TTG lower than shit)
  • edited July 2012
    same thing here, seems at about the third game, ill play once, then again with random to oppisite choices, then when i go to play the third time i get the corrupted data. not even going to start a 2nd game this time.
  • edited July 2012
    I emailed Telltale about the issue, and they told me that they have a patch comming out "very soon" to fix the issue. I still dont feel like playing through the game again like that, but i dont have much choice. I bought the Season Pass.
  • edited July 2012
    I bought the season pass for the ps3 version of this game, and have played through both of the current episodes out now counting six seperate times due to 3 corrputed save file glitches. I didn't mind so much the first time, started getting irritated the second time, now I'm just downright pissed off after losing about 24 hours worth of total game time. Apparently I'm not the only one having these sorts of problems with ps3, and I'm wondering if TTG might give me a refund, or at least allow me a download the pc version.
  • edited July 2012
    We've been playing a bit of the game each evening. We had 3 saves from Episode 1 with different choices, and were half way through Episode 2 with our 2nd choice set.
    Turned the PS3 on this evening to play and got the "Your data is corrupt" message.
    This is terrible! We're going to have to do that all again. We've bought the season pass, but how can we hope to play through all the episodes if our save data is lost?
  • edited October 2012
    WOW... at the end of ep 4, saved data becomes corrupt. Game freezes. reset PS3. NOTHING THERE. Have to start ALL OVER? fuck that. i was really enjoying this game but im not playing all those again. i want a refund, this has never happened to me in any game before. most of all, i want my saves back!!
  • edited October 2012
    pshomii wrote: »
    Something weird happen to my The Walking Dead game save data. I was all set and ready to play my third play-through for Episode 2. I started up the game and it said "Save Data Corrupted"... All my data was erased!!! Anybody else have this problem? Now I have to start over.

    It's also worth mentioning that once I turned on the PS3, I went and synched my trophies then I started up the game.

    If you have PS+ then you can copy your lost data back but it still crashes and you have one chance to copy your day within 24 hours :mad:
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