"The Office" song and "C.O.P.s" off vocal?

edited September 2007 in Sam & Max
I just can't stop hearing "The Office" theme!
It's even on my mobile, waking me up in the mornings and telling me when I get a call or an SMS...
But recentley I began to... want to sing something with it. problem is it doesn't have any words. The music is so beautiful and so perfect for a song, it's just too sad it's only music! ^^
Please, make it a song! I HAVE to sing "The Office", since this IS my true Sam & Max theme song!

And while i'm on this music matter, I have the same problem with th "C.O.P.s" song, just the other way around. ^^ I want only the music, without the song. Is there a way to get an off vocal version of it? even a good midi version will do. ^^

Thanks everyone. May we all keep building the future of S&M!:cool:


  • edited July 2007
    There is a way to remove vocals from songs, but it doesn't seem to work too well on the COPs song.

    If you open a programme like Audacity, split the stereo track, make both tracks mono, invert the bottom track and then make the tracks into a stereo track again, it gets rid of the voices in some songs (my little brother's song collection is a lot more bareable without lyrics, so I do this quite a lot =P).

    In the COPs song it only seems to get rid of the phone's voice, and makes some of the background sound a bit tinny, but it's an interesting result.

    I can't really upload the "phone-less" version anywhere, seeing as I don't own the rights to the music, but Audacity's a free download if you want to try it yourself.

    Also, nice choice of name. Fan of Okami I take it?
  • edited July 2007
    Vocal removal is a real pain in the ass, it's like sifting for gold since so many songs are mixed in such a way as to make vocal ripping impossible. Maybe bug TT mercilessly for an instrumental?
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2007
    Parts of the Office song share the same chord progressions as the street song, and the driving song. This means that you can at least sing the chorus to the Soda Poppers song over parts of the office song. Hope that helps :)
  • edited July 2007
    Where can i get the music from?!
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2007
  • edited September 2007
    ok, I just watched the bonus disc of season 1, and in the concept art play, during the part where they show the concept art of the internet from reality 2.0, there's the C.O.P.S off vocal I wanted!!
    ...but it's only a half! >,<
    is there a way to get the full version?
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited September 2007
    who's to say if we'll ever hear that song again...
  • edited September 2007
    Jake wrote: »
    who's to say if we'll ever hear that song again...
    Is that a cryptic statement? :D

    I love the soundtrack. Listen to it at every random occasion I can.
  • jmmjmm
    edited September 2007
    I had to force myself to stop listening the Sam & Max music since I couldn't get the music out of my head. Too d**n addictive.

    Now if you excuse me, I'll head home so I'll have to switch from "The office" to "City Streets" for awhile (And probably Bosco's theme a few times along the road)
  • edited September 2007
    Amaterasu wrote: »
    ok, I just watched the bonus disc of season 1, and in the concept art play, during the part where they show the concept art of the internet from reality 2.0, there's the C.O.P.S off vocal I wanted!!
    ...but it's only a half! >,<
    is there a way to get the full version?
    Yes, I've heard it too(as well as the alternate version of the office used for the credits).

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