Database errors and broken pages.

edited January 2013 in Site Support
I'll detail my issue using dot points. c:

+ I have been using the forums from May to June. During my time I have encountered frequent 'database error' and 'broken page' messages.

+ The time of day does not affect the frequency of these messages.

+ Through testing I have concluded that my internet connection is not the source of the problem. The problem must be caused by the Telltale servers (maintenance/traffic), Windows 7 (64 bit) or Mozilla Firefox (13.0.1.).

Thank you for reading. Hopefully this issue can be fixed. <3


  • edited July 2012
    The board undergoes maintenance during the early hours of the morning (US Pacific Time, say around 3-4 am as I usually have problems at around 11-12 in the UK) which leads to slow pages loads and error pages. There is nothing you or I can do about this and hopefully it'll be another one of those things address when (maybe more realistically if) the forums get the change that's been spoken of for a while.
  • edited January 2013
    How long will this maintenance be going on?
    Are we talking about every day for the rest of the existence of the board?
    It's not really THAT inconvenient, but still, I'm at the office in the time that the board is being maintained, which is the perfect time to check new threads, reply, etc.
    Sometimes I'll be typing a reply, try to send it, and I get the database error.
  • DjNDBDjNDB Moderator
    edited January 2013
    I am also annoyed by the downtimes every morning till noon, but the good news, is that TTG is working on an entirely new site, that doesn't go down every day.
    It's currently heavily under development, and we Mods can already test it, so I can personally confirm that it's progressing nicely.

    It's not clear yet when it will go public though. I'd say "when it's done". Might be in a few months.
  • edited January 2013
    *sigh* Oh DjNDB, what would we do without you and your constant help.

    Thanks again.
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