Can't download Episode 2 - The Walking Dead

edited March 2013 in Game Support

Since the launch of the new episode I've been trying to download it!, it goes up to 13% and then stops saying that I don't have an internet connection... and trust me, I have! I've tried over and over again to see if one day it'll work but is a waist of time.

I know that there are a lot of guy out there with the same problem as me, but do anyone have a solution? I have tried everything I think, downloading it at 4am, at 2pm, moving the mouse to see if that works, try downloading it in my work and in all those scenarios there was no luck..

Any help will be more the appreciated!



  • edited July 2012
    Having same problem and frustrations!!! Episode 2 download gets to between 60% and 80% and quits saying "lost connection". I have tried 8 times today with no luck. REALLY disappointed.

    Using Macbook Pro with OSX ver 10.6.8.
  • edited July 2012
    I think I have the same computer, Macbook Pro OSX i7 latest OS... I don't understand how there is no solution for this problem!
  • edited July 2012
    Just adding my voice to the choir. I've written telltale about this issue and am awaiting a response.

    I am running OSX 10.6.8 on my Macbook pro.

    Thanks for creating an awesome game series! Now, let's figure out how we can download what we've purchased!!!
  • edited July 2012
    Same problem here, can't download episode 2 of The Walking Dead.
    MacBook MacOsX Lion.
  • edited July 2012
    Yep- same problem 10.7.4 lion.

    WTF Telltale - Sort your shiz out!
  • edited July 2012
    Same thing. OSX Snow leopard.
  • edited July 2012
    File a complaint at

    I contacted the company, no solution to my problems. I contacted them later about a refund, no response. I filed a complaint at, no response from the company.
  • edited July 2012
    Same problem here. I just kept going back and pressing to download again - after about 30 tries got there in the end.

    Very annoying bug guys.

    I also got the game failing to start bug (needing to go in and edit startup to run as admin) and the failure to save game when pressing escape bug.

    Shame such a great game is crippled by such bad attention to detail.
  • edited July 2012
    Also a problem here. Major bug and I'm growing increasingly frustrated that Telltale won't even aswer these threads! It's almost 3 weeks since the game was released and by the sound of it most Mac players haven't been able to even download the episode. Extremely poor service (and that's coming from a telltale fan who've bought almost all of their titles).
  • edited July 2012
    My download goes up to 81% and stops. I've given up and won't try again until I read about it getting fixed. I'm a loyal telltaler and I've pre-ordered almost every title since SBCG4AP. Have played them all. Never experienced this big a problem before, but I remember everything running smoother when I used a PC.
  • edited August 2012
    I can't either, goes to 50 something % then "looses internet connection"... Ep1 one went fine, but can't we have option to download from our gaming list like every SAmnmax and BTTF? Atleast it might work. then again there seem to be a number of threads complaining about getting Ep2 to work properly as well. Maybe they are frantically trying to fix it and then TA DA... here is Ep2 version 5.3 and it should be fine lol
  • edited March 2013
    Telltale, same problem here, can't download any episodes of The Walking Dead for IOS?
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