Was The Mark meat even needed?
Dr Lance VanBoobenHousen
they had a lot of cheese, a feild full of corn and veg. so was it even nessasery to cut off that 4 eyed assholes legs and serve them up? they could have just served a huge salad? and THAT ladies and germs is why i killed them, both of them
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The Real reason that serving Mark meat is unnecessary because they have boxes of meat in the meat locker. Lee can comment on it. If that meats tainted why not throw it out if it's not tainted why not serve it?
On the other hand, perhaps they wanted fresh meat and not frozen. Either way, the entire thing was totally unnecessary. *is sick*
I'd ask them, but I made sure all 3 of them died like the little pigs they were. NO ONE EATS MY PEOPLE! Someone else's people, fine, but not mine!
If they feed Mark to the group, perhaps they felt they could persuade them in a way, that "the meat wasnt so bad after all" and allow them to make the group understand sometimes it is for the best to kill and eat others.
Just my thought on it.
like some wild animals the weak are eaten.
i dunno where it was i saw 'heard' it but cannabalism changes a persons mindset i suppose akin to drug addicts, common sense goes out the window and these freaks can only see the next fix maybe the stored meat is animal meat but because of their new mission statement for eating human flesh they have forgotten about it as they prefer humans...
but all the fuss they make and the supplies they use to keep him alive after chopping his legs off is actually more work and effort than just taking the arrow out packing the wound and sewing it up...
which imo is not 'smart/intelligent' and legs do not grow back if they did we would not have amputies / a need for prosthetic limbs....
HA HA thats the truth! I lost a toe in 2010 and they in fact do not grow back.:D
i lost my mind in 2000....;)
Also: When Danny says "tainted" meat, he means the person became a zombie before they could get the meat. Once they reanimate, its inedible.
I can see them using it as an initiation as they said they needed help.
i think whoever accepted cannibalism would be allowed to stay and the rest would be let go or quietly butchered.
As for it being not necessary, they were also paying off the bandits with meat. They need as much as they can get and if they didn't try to recruit the group i think they all would have been killed. No-one leaves that farm
Notice the trap in the barn, inside the "slaughter room"? It looks a lot like the one the teacher gets stuck in at the beginning of the episode, doesn't it? Lee comments that the trap doesn't have a release pin. If the hunter wanted to catch animals, why would he go through the bother of modifying the trap? I think the St. John modified the trap so that he could get fresh meat for himself and his family.
How much his brother and mother were involved, I don't know. The brother who doesn't love killing (I should really learn their names) seems to be the handyman around the house though, so he might've modified the trap.
I got the same creepy murderer vibe from Danny (LOL, it took me forever to learn their names, too!). I halfway expected him at some point in the woods to tell me that I had a "purdy mouf".
Andy always seemed a tad less creepy. He was certainly complicit in what was going on - he was the the one that turned on the electric fence (he admits to it, but says it was an "accident"), and he is also the one to lock up the back of the barn (meaning he must knew SOMETHING about what went on in there, including the modified traps).
Oh, and everyone's spelling is TERRIBLE! No wonder you all can't figure it out.
Your - Possession
You're - You are.
Their - Possession
There- Location
They're- They are
Had you been reading this thread (or any other thread considering episode two), you would have realized that we have already reached the aforementioned conclusion you believe us all to be too "bad at spelling" to figure out. (As if correct word usage has anything to do with understanding narrative clues within visual media, anyway.)
Lol! What other shocking revelations do we need?
Holy cow, we've been in Georgia for the entire duration of the story!:p
BTW: First post woo
I find it interesting how they all deal with their complicity in different ways - Danny seems to enjoy it, Brenda justifies it, and Andy seems to be in denial - when he's shouting at Lee at the end, he says "You did all this! We just wanted gas!"
Yet Andy is the one who asks you to go check on the fence, which he ends up switching on trying to fry lee and mark.
Mark 'convenitantly' gets an arrow, and then after lee finds mark , he says 'brothers'
so Andy is actually no different he may of 'protested' but he still eats the human meat and allows it to happen..
how does he 'shut out' the guilt ?
never saw that or heard it said..
if anything andy is extremely naive more than in denial/guilt imo
it's easy to claim 'innocence' after things have happened but who really believes they just wanted gas after what went down ? not me no siree..
makes sense
Here we go Y'all...
They were all lunatics.
Hence why I killed them. Also, to starve out the bandits.
will no one think of the children
please someone think of the children...
Moron. You clearly didn't listen/pay attention to the game.
Also, "4 eyed asshole"? What evidence did he give of being an "asshole"? He was perfectly nice, sensible, responsible, and trustworthy.
"4 eyed"? I wear glasses. Does that make me four eyed? No. I have two eyes and then I have glasses. Do they LOOK like eyes to you?
I think he just generally means when a person dies normally, the meat is tainted, which is why he asked to be kept alive so he could be eaten.
Real life cannibals did kill their victims before eating them. Just like with cows or pigs, so long as the meat is eaten fresh it won't be 'spoiled.'
And that is probably the most disturbing thing I've ever typed. lol
I think by tainted, he meant zombie meat. He was saying that once a person turned, it wasn't safe to cannibalize them.
It did make for an interesting twist within the story, I just wouldnt agree with that if I were part of the writing staff unless they decided for some other reason the St. John's were already cannibles like the Texas Chainsaw Masacre who killed people for the meat in their chili.
They had food and rational people do not resort to eating each other unless there is absolutely no alternative.
Adding that they need to eat as well, the food they have stocked up simply won't cut it. Even more, they need to constantly give food to the bandits so they'll stop harassing them. With so much food they have to be giving away for gas and protection, AND to eat, chopping up a few humans to ease the job doesn't seem too implausible.