[MAC + STEAM] Black screen error - SOLUTION

edited July 2012 in Game Support
Hey guys,

I bought the season pass on steam after I tried episode one earlier. Thought I could use my old savegames, it worked - but episode 2 didn't start, black screen. (Oh noes!)

So, I found a solution - well, someone here posted it already. Episode 2 did work then, BUT you have to waive the savegames. So start a new game.
From the finder, select Go from the menu bar and select Go To Folder and enter this path: ~/Library/Application Support .

Navigate to the Tell Tale Games folder and delete the Walking Dead folder from within.

Soooooo, maybe it has something to do with corrupt savegames? And maybe someone could check this out, find a solution to fix this stupid black screen error without having to start a new game.

At least I can continue playing the game.


  • edited July 2012
    I mean, that's cool if that works for you and all, but part of the fun of playing is knowing that what choices you've made will tailor the game around you and that there will be consequences for your actions. If it was something like the alias of choice from the Back to the Future games I wouldn't mind as much as if had no relevance to the plot whatsoever, but to remove all the work I did doesn't sit well with me -- if I have no control over it then I may as well just re-watch Season 2 all over again -- because I would have loved the choice to abandon Sophia.
  • edited July 2012
    I know, but there are more episodes to come and I'd rather play from the second one, than waiting and waiting and waiting. Since I paid money for it, you know. And please, I don't really mind, if they generated the choices from episode 1, because I think you can still make a difference in the upcoming episodes.

    And after all: you can start with the first episode, so ... no problem, just playing it twice then.
  • edited July 2012
    Hi there,

    Thank you for finding the way to get away from the black screen!

    I found a way to get my save game working, and it was like this.

    I renamed the Walking Dead folder under ~/Library/Application Support/Tell Tall Games to Walking Dead - Backup

    I started the game and launched episode two, it was working, just like barenaked said!

    I quit immediately and started a game from episode 1.

    I played it long enough to get to the first save (just after the crash).

    I quit the game, and then copied my last save from the Walking Dead - Backup over the newly created save in the Walking Dead folder and relaunched the game.

    My save game was shown in the games list, so rewinded it for the 1st episode to see the end scenes.

    After this I was able to launch the second episode with my choices intact (at least so it seems for the first 5 minutes of playing).

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