Let me put my two cents in and say I love Gamestop.
Weird, inorite?
But these guys were my heroes. I'm legally blind; born that way. When I was in 5th grade, my ophthalmologist told me to start playing video games. Yes, really. This was 15+ years ago, before the idea that video games could, you know, actually help people became a mainstream idea.
We go into a Gamestop and pick out something age appropriate that I could also handle. Pokemon Red. A magnifying lens. And I was going to get my brother's old brick of a Gameboy from 1987 plus his original copies of Tetris and Mario. Turns out the mag lenses wouldn't fit; they were only built to clip on the slimmer Game Boy Pockets.
When the manager heard why my mom was getting this stuff, he told us the clip wouldn't fit. My mom wasn't about to drop another 100$ to buy a system, too.
The manager gave me a gently used red Game Boy pocket that didn't have a battery casing (it had been used as an in-store display). On the house. I still have it.
I think the first game I ever played was either Pacman or Ms. Pacman on our Tandy 1000. If not that then it was probably something from the Tandy Color Computer 3. Games like Pooyan, Zaxxon. Adventures came not long after, though. I started very young. Like 3 or something, so I don't really remember.
I've played this since I was the littlest tiniest baby, although I was never the tiniest baby. It was more than just my favorite non-kiddie game, it was my first video game ever.
eeyup. And it's still my favorite. According to the media I should be a serial killer or something. I'm a pacifist
My first exposure to adventure games was watching my older brother play Space Quest IV. The first adventure game I ever played myself was Day of the Tentacle.
My first adventure game was either Space Quest II on PC or Maniac Mansion on the NES (Probably SQII since we had our PC in the late 1980's and Maniac Mansion NES didn't come out until 1990). I know for sure Maniac Mansion was the first adventure game I ever completed though (with a little help from Nintendo Power magazine ).
I believe my very first adventure game was Kings Quest, but I could be wrong. The one I really remember was the Insult Sword Fighting from Monkey Island, but when I tried the KQ1Remake it did bring back memories, so...
I remember my parents getting KQ4 for our PC when I was a kid, and that was after we moved to Tulsa from Oklahoma City (which happened after my first grade year).
While we still lived in OKC, I remember playing on the Atari (of which we had over a dozen games), and my first game to play on it was probably either Adventure or Tank-Plus.
I also remember my aunt and uncle getting a computer after my family got one, and one of the games they got with it was the EGA version of SoMI. I played it at their house, and some years later obtained the diskettes from them since they didn't play it.
The funny thing is, I played KQ6 (on diskette at a neighbor kid's house) before playing KQ5, and I didn't play Monkey Island 2 until it came included on the Monkey Island Madness CD that was bundled with CoMI.
Although my family did have an Atari 2600, my mom also took my sister and me to a burger place ("Big Al's") nearby where she would play a Star Wars arcade game (the sit-down one). I didn't play that because it was too hard. Anyway, I'm not sure which, between the Atari or the Star Wars game, has an earlier memory.
I honestly can't remember. I know that it was one of several games though. It was either Let's Explore the Rainforest with Buzzy, Next Step Mars!, or Super Mario Bros.
Yes, I did play Mario without a console. I'm just that good. Nah, I just always played it at my babysitter's house.
I played Mario before I had a console too. The Mario Bros. arcade game. It sucked, but I did play it.
I quite like the Mario Bros. arcade game. I prefer Donkey Kong and Donkey Kong Jr. more, but Mario Bros. was a pretty solid platformer in the days before side scrolling. And the SMB All-Stars style remake of Mario Bros. that comes with the Super Mario Bros. series remakes for GBA is ace. I got my money's worth just on how much I played that game alone.
Im pretty sure Sonic the Hedgehog was the first game I ever played. I owned about 8 games on sega genesis and I don't remember the day I got any of them or in what order I got them but the first game I can remember playing was Sonic the Hedgehog.
This thread is like carbon dating for the gaming community.
I'm pretty sure that one weekend when I was maybe 5 or 6, Dad borrowed an NES from someone and we played Duck Hunt. I don't have any kind of emotional attachment to that game since it was just a one-off thing, but it was obviously out-of-the-ordinary enough to make an impression if I remember it so many years later.
A couple of years after that we got our first PC. Paratrooper was possibly the first game I touched on that. This one warrants a screenshot:
I have no clue what was my first videogame cause I started playing videogames when I was 6 months old. The earliest surviving record of me playing a game is me playing DeathTrack.
I have no clue what was my first videogame cause I started playing videogames when I was 6 months old. The earliest surviving record of me playing a game is me playing DeathTrack.
There were VHS tapes where I was playing something on Atari 2600 (although I really think that I sucked at it), which I saw myself, but hell knows where they are now. The earliest ones we could find now was me being 2 years old playing DeathTrack.
And frankly, I don't care if you believe me or not
The first video game I remember playing was this old computer game that involved driving a bus and picking up school children and avoiding obstacles in the road. I think there was a timer at the top(so they'd get to school on time) but I'm not sure, heck I don't remember the name of it but it was a cute game.
The first "mature" game I've ever played was Devil May Cry. I begged my Mom to help me rent it since I was 11-12 at the time and couldn't myself. She looked at it and gave me the okay and I took it home. Back then I wasn't the "gamer" in the family, my sister was but she was afraid of the game. So I took the game and played it all the way through to show it wasn't scary and I surprisingly had fun. And that's how I kept playing games lol
Something on Commodore 62... I think it was a Donald Duck game in which you had to work in different factories in form of minigames so you could make money to buy stuff to your playground from Goofy
edit: The game's Donald Duck's Playground, and you bought the stuff from Minnie, Mickey and Goofy.
Actually, that's exactly the sort of thing I'd expect from you, coolies.
I think we only had like 2 games on the Super Nintendo at first (at lest thats all I remember)Super Mario World and Mortal Kombat. I probably played Mario first but I fondly remember both.
Yes but its just what introduced me to the series. MK 2+ didn't have anything removed
Ah yes, the infamous grey sweat of SNES MK. A floppier variety drenched Nintendo's corporate forehead as it was spectacularly outsold by the uncensored Genesis version. At least until a few years later, while pondering the imminent release of a sweat-soaked sequel, when a brash and ambitious junior executive, with an eye on the corner office, stopped [snip] just long enough to be struck by the sudden insight that [snip].
From another thread... TWD, I believe.
eeyup. And it's still my favorite. According to the media I should be a serial killer or something. I'm a pacifist
Mine was Mortal Kombat so I should be on a rampage beheading ppl! that would be soo cool why did the media lie about that!
First adventure game ever played: King's Quest IV: The Perils of Rosella, SCI version for PC
...second adventure game ever played: The Secret of Monkey Island, EGA version for PC.
While we still lived in OKC, I remember playing on the Atari (of which we had over a dozen games), and my first game to play on it was probably either Adventure or Tank-Plus.
I also remember my aunt and uncle getting a computer after my family got one, and one of the games they got with it was the EGA version of SoMI. I played it at their house, and some years later obtained the diskettes from them since they didn't play it.
The funny thing is, I played KQ6 (on diskette at a neighbor kid's house) before playing KQ5, and I didn't play Monkey Island 2 until it came included on the Monkey Island Madness CD that was bundled with CoMI.
Although my family did have an Atari 2600, my mom also took my sister and me to a burger place ("Big Al's") nearby where she would play a Star Wars arcade game (the sit-down one). I didn't play that because it was too hard. Anyway, I'm not sure which, between the Atari or the Star Wars game, has an earlier memory.
Yes, I did play Mario without a console. I'm just that good. Nah, I just always played it at my babysitter's house.
I'm pretty sure that one weekend when I was maybe 5 or 6, Dad borrowed an NES from someone and we played Duck Hunt. I don't have any kind of emotional attachment to that game since it was just a one-off thing, but it was obviously out-of-the-ordinary enough to make an impression if I remember it so many years later.
A couple of years after that we got our first PC. Paratrooper was possibly the first game I touched on that. This one warrants a screenshot:
First adventure game was KQIV I think, followed by Hugo's House of Horrors.
One thing that stands out from looking at the release dates for these games: everything took forever to get to Australia!
That vaguely reminds me of playing Missile Command for Atari.
I started with "serious" gaming at the age of 4
Time Travels funny that way.
On the old Odyssey system.
There were VHS tapes where I was playing something on Atari 2600 (although I really think that I sucked at it), which I saw myself, but hell knows where they are now. The earliest ones we could find now was me being 2 years old playing DeathTrack.
And frankly, I don't care if you believe me or not
The first "mature" game I've ever played was Devil May Cry. I begged my Mom to help me rent it since I was 11-12 at the time and couldn't myself. She looked at it and gave me the okay and I took it home. Back then I wasn't the "gamer" in the family, my sister was but she was afraid of the game. So I took the game and played it all the way through to show it wasn't scary and I surprisingly had fun. And that's how I kept playing games lol
edit: The game's Donald Duck's Playground, and you bought the stuff from Minnie, Mickey and Goofy.
I think we only had like 2 games on the Super Nintendo at first (at lest thats all I remember)Super Mario World and Mortal Kombat. I probably played Mario first but I fondly remember both.
Yes but its just what introduced me to the series. MK 2+ didn't have anything removed
Ah yes, the infamous grey sweat of SNES MK. A floppier variety drenched Nintendo's corporate forehead as it was spectacularly outsold by the uncensored Genesis version. At least until a few years later, while pondering the imminent release of a sweat-soaked sequel, when a brash and ambitious junior executive, with an eye on the corner office, stopped [snip] just long enough to be struck by the sudden insight that [snip].
I also remember playing a 3d vector graphics tank game from a 5 1/4" floppy disk, but I don't remember its name.