Who's your favourite Adventure sidekick (& why)?

edited April 2013 in General Chat

Who's it gonna be?

The gorgeous and feisty Elane Marley?
The manic, unpredictable, hyperkinetic rabbity thing, Max?
Slothful roadie Hoagie / bug eyed med-student Laverne?
Cute assed but somewhat airheaded Sophia Hapgood?
Inexplicably loved but totally useless skull Murray?
Or like me, is your favourite the loveable big orange monster Glottis?

Or, heaven forbid, does your Oscar for best supporting role in an Adventure Videogame actually go to someone from a non-LucasArts game?

Let us know...


  • edited January 2005
    If we're talking about sidekick, I would have to say Max... his bizarre characteristics make him more of an original sidekick than Elaine or Sophia, and since you actually get to play as Hoagie and Laverne, i ruled them out. (I have Grim Fandango but honestly stopped playing it, so I didnt pick that one either)

    But if you're talkin Best Supporting Role, I gotta go with LeChuck. He is w/o a doubt the best villain in a LA game (Ripburger from Full Throttle is 2nd, the bad guy from Sam and Max 3rd, and the German dude from Fate of Atlantis 4th IMHO).
  • edited January 2005
    It's a tough call really...

    Max and Hoagie are front runners because both are able to sustain large amounts of electricity to the brain.

    Elaine... eh. She gets credit for having to deal with Guybrush's crap 24/7. She never did anything for me to be totally honest. Except for that delicious fish fry she has once a year, she's totally useless.

    Murray the Evil skull is 1/7 of the man! I'd love to have him answer the phone for me whenever credit companies call.

    As far as non LA?

    Maybe Rex Nebular's ship, the Slippery Pig. Just because it's a slippery pig.
  • edited January 2005
    My favorite sidekick is Dave from Maniac Mansion - What's that you say? He was supposed to be the main character? Well - as I felt that Bernard was the true main character of Maniac Mansion I enjoyed using Dave as his sidekick. He would always do the odd jobs Bernard needed, like breaking the kids out of the dungeon (before you find the key), distracting the Edisons, and of course drowning himself in the pool so that Bernard ends up with Sandy at the end!
  • edited January 2005
    there is one clear choice here to me. max.
  • edited January 2005
    there is one clear choice here to me. max.

    yes Max is the Shiznit B-)
  • edited January 2005
    If we're talking about sidekick, I would have to say Max... his bizarre characteristics make him more of an original sidekick than Elaine or Sophia, and since you actually get to play as Hoagie and Laverne, i ruled them out.

    But don't you also get to play as Max? That would rule him out too by your rules. :p
  • edited January 2005
    well its obviously max..name another sidekick would grab the assignment out of a cats guts for you..
  • edited January 2005
    I kind of like Spike from Space Quest 5: The Next Mutation.

    Spike was Roger's pet alien/scorpion/face hugger that he found... somewhere.

    But if we're talking LucasArts, I'd say Glottis from Grim Fandango.
  • edited January 2005
    I gotta go outside the box on this one and write in my own favorite sidekick, Arthur (from The Tick).

    Arthur managed to be shy, retiring, whiney and yet heroic at the same time. Plus he's a brilliant satire on superhero sidekicks in general.
  • edited January 2005
    Heres my top ten>>>>

    Joey(beneath a steel sky)
    Sophia Halfgood

    I'm not sure about all the spelling. Why Hoagie? I don't know, I just like him.
  • edited January 2005
    Stupid spike... i never managed to find all the tools i needed and got stuck at that point >.<

    Anyway, my favourite is the "demonic little imp" Max :)
  • edited January 2005
    Stupid spike... i never managed to find all the tools i needed and got stuck at that point >.<

    But Spike could be used as a tool, also. I mean, he spit acid! That's so useful! I wish I could do that!!! No jail could ever hold me! ;)

    But... there's nothing wrong with Max, either. I'm just being different. :D
  • edited January 2005
    Heres my top ten>>>>

    Joey(beneath a steel sky)
    Sophia Halfgood

    I'm not sure about all the spelling. Why Hoagie? I don't know, I just like him.

    Hee hee. Interesting spelling of Sophia's last name. Although incorrect, I would definitely agree with the (un)intended message. She was WORTHLESS. Her voice alone always led me to choose the WITS or FISTS path in that game.
  • edited January 2005
    Oooh! Oooooh! Max Max Max!!

    Glottis was kind fun though tooo....
  • edited January 2005
    Joey(beneath a steel sky)
    was also fun B-)
  • edited February 2005
    Glottis Glottis Glottis!! :D
  • edited February 2005
    mine is either Murry or glottis.
    i would say max but he wasn't realy a side kick. Sam and max were both equal in my eyes so they cant realy be sidekicks.
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited February 2011
    Sorry to resurrect this old thread, but I thought it would be fun to see people's opinions on this today. :)

    My favorite modern sidekick is Reginald Van Winslow (and I'm sure a lot of people here would agree. :D

  • edited February 2011
    Wow, 6 years old.

    Wow, Telltale Games has been around since I was 11 at least.

    Anyway, my answer is Max, because of his delightfully offbeat comments on everything.
  • edited February 2011
    ....After 6 years, you'd think it'd be fair to start a new thread.

    As for my favorite sidekick? B-19-7, easily.
  • edited February 2011
    just an unrelated remark I want to make.
    The guest user HieroHero is the same user called Hero1 who's moderating the forums nowadays.
    Just in case you were curious to know.
  • edited February 2011
    No love for Flux Wildly in this thread? :(
  • edited February 2011
    My favorite sidekick is the voice in my head always trying to get me to kill people and buy more pixie sticks. He cracks me up.
  • edited February 2011


    But no, really. Sam.
  • edited February 2011
    Remolay wrote: »
    Wow, 6 years old.

    Wow, Telltale Games has been around since I was 11 at least.

    Anyway, my answer is Max, because of his delightfully offbeat comments on everything.

    I never looked at it like that before. 6 years...I was 17.
  • edited February 2011
    I feel it might be appropriate to mention Top Five with Lisa Foiles once again for her most recent list, the Top 5 Wise-Cracking Sidekicks. Her #5 was the marvelous Crow from The Longest Journey and Dreamfall (man, I want Dreamfall Chapters or the "real" TLJ2 something fierce) and her #2 was the always amusing Max.
  • edited February 2011
    classic: Cedric from King's Quest 5.


    modern: Harvey (Edna bricht aus)

  • edited February 2011
    Max is definitely my favorite adventure game sidekick. I have grown fond of Winslow recently.

    outside of adventure games Chewbacca will always be the best wing man in the great history of bromance.
  • edited February 2011
    I love Elaine as a character, but I wouldn't call her a sidekick.

    Acutally one of my favorite sets of sidekicks in adventure gaming would be the trio of Carla, Otis and I. Cheese from EMI. They were hilarious to talk to and I kind of wish they'd been used more.

    In non-adventure gaming, my favorite sidekick would probably be Chie Satonaka from Persona 4. along with forming the original power trio with the protagonist and Yosuke (probably my least favorite character after Teddie, but still entertaining in his own right given the right circumstances), she had one of the best social links of the bunch (let's go find ourselves by beating up bullies, kung fu training and eating steaks!) and was actually one of the best physical fighters along with being able ot One-hit K.O. both regular enemies and MINI BOSSES. Plus overall she was just a fun character to have bouncing off the other personalities of the Inaba Scoobies.
  • edited February 2011
    Max is the obvious choice, but I also loved Spot from The Whispered World.
  • edited February 2011
    I'm going to join some of the previous posters from this thread and sing Glottis' praise!
  • edited February 2011
    Spock. There is something enjoyable about listening to Leonard Nimoy...

    Speaking of which, I would love someone to make a Sonic SatAM adventure game, because Dr. Robotnik's voice in that series is awesome, in that "voice of evil" way. Ah, his voice actor's Jim Cumming. Nice to have a label for the most delectably evil voice in animation.
  • edited February 2011
    Max and HK-47. Probably because they have very similar personalities.
  • edited February 2011
    doodo! wrote: »
    I never looked at it like that before. 6 years...I was 17.

    The difference between 33 and 39 is negligible.

    Anyway, nice to see this old discussion resurrected!

    And I think Max now outranks Glottis. More games and all.
  • edited February 2011
    jp-30 wrote: »
    And I think Max now outranks Glottis. More games and all.
    Floyd outranks them all on the basis of seniority.
  • edited February 2011
    I was going to suggest Floyd too. Good old Infocom!
  • edited February 2011
    Floyd a good friend, huh?
  • edited February 2011
    I am Murray!!!
  • edited February 2011
    Sam, he always was a good little sidekick as Max truly solved the case.
    Sam always was so cute, thinking he figured it all out "hey I can defeat skunkape with this paddle ball set" so cute:D
    But clearly Max was always 12 steps ahead of his little sidekick.
  • edited February 2011
    Wow, there's been some fantastic suggestions. Frankly, there's just too many to choose from so please excuse me whilst I act like a sheep wearing a tool-belt and say that I also adore the following (in some kind of vague order of preference):

    1/ Joey - The classic Friends spinoff show but no, seriously... Beneath A Steel Sky. I love that raspy voice of his. I didn't like it when he upgraded to that bulky wielder shell though. It's much funnier to have a mouse get angry than an elephant.
    2/ Glottis - I just want to carry him around in my pocket, or should that be the other way around!
    3/ Hoagie - It's like seeing a reflection of myself, a fatter reflection.
    4/ Murray - Nuff said, respect due!
    5/ Max - Satan bless the demonic little urchin.
    6/ Laverne - For one reason and one reason only; 'Yoo-hoo! Mr. Tentacle Guy! Oooh...I don't feel so good' Best. Line. Reading. Ever.

    I'm surprised that no-one's mentioned Froderick the bat from A Vampyre's Story. Not only was he a lovable sidekick but also the best aspect of the entire game.

    Just for fun, here's a couple of nominations for my hall of shame:

    * Cedric (King's Quest V) - Just watch this. Poisonous Gypsies?! The Raciest little sod.
    * Elaine (Monkey Island IV) - To be fair, it wasn't just Elaine who had become an annoyance for this sequel but also Guybrush and LeChuck. As Jill Valentine might say; 'A shadow of their former selves'.
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