Pokémon: The Thread

You like Pokémon? We got 'em!
The Pokémon

The Creed
I wanna be the very best
Like no one ever was
To catch them is my real test
To train them is my cause
I will travel across the land
Searching far and wide
Each Pokemon to understand
The power that's inside
Pokemon, its you and me
I know it?s my destiny
Pokemon, oh, you're my best friend
In a world we must defend
Pokemon, a heart so true
Our courage will pull us through
You teach me and I'll teach you
Pokemon, gotta catch 'em all
Every challenge along the way
With courage I will face
I will battle every day
To claim my rightful place
Come with me, the time is right
There's no better team
Arm in arm we'll win the fight
It's always been our dream
The Games
Black and White 2 Trailer
Conquest Trailer
Conquest Opening Intro
So, since everyone wanted to talk about this in the Steam thread, I thought I'd create a topic for Nintendo's longest enduring series. Use it.
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Fun fact; I made this post without realizing that Polk was the first syllable of Pokemon.
No it is not. But it is the first of Polkamon.
Also, I'm on the 8th gym, and the trainers are several levels ahead of me. And there's nowhere nearby to train properly. I insist on having all my team the same level, which means none of them are particularly strong as such.
Really, the second generation is my favourite. 16 gyms, tons of locations, tons of stuff to do, just 251 Pokemon (98% of which don't suck visually). In comparison to those games, the Ruby/Sapphire and Diamond/Pearl versions felt really disappointing to me.
I also love Eevee and its evolutions.
And Kabuto/Kabutops.
Yeah, those are awesome. My favourite one is Umberon, introduced in, well, Gold and Silver
I don't think my router settings allow me to use DS online. I could change them, but then I have to change it n every device that uses it.
You, and everyone else here, should use this amazing program instead.
Amazing? Not really. Just by playing around with this, you could create an ungodly team. It's neat, but I personally prefer my teams that I've raised in HeartGold.
Ditto. Something about the blood/sweat/tears of catching and raising my Pokeymans is the bigger fin. Battling is just the showing off portion.
You could use it to exactly remake the team you had in the games, would be MUCH easier to get a match going than digging out your DS stuff.
I don't really have any nice way to say this that doesn't also make me sound like some kind of elitist nerd, but...you're quite wrong. Competitive Pokemon battling is a thing, and actually has an amazing amount of strategy involved.
Oh I know, trust me. I used to competitive battle. I just actually prefer to level 'e,m up the slow and hard way. I don't feel like I've earned it otherwise.
Ah. Personally, I don't think I could go back to normal Pokemon after competitive battling for as long as I have. I just know I'd want to find this one obscure move I'd have to go to great, impossible lengths to get on the specific Pokemon I'd want it on.
But, seriously, I don't think there's been a single (recent) Pokemon game where everything is accessible with just your purchase of the game, and nothing else. Now we have the Dream World, that 3DS AR game, special limited events to download Legendaries, and that Pokemeter thing. I competitively battle because everything's already there.
Except that in order to remake your team, you have to dig out your DS stuff.
Again, this program is nice and all, but you could easily max out everything and just roll over everything in your path.
EDIT: Just tried out a team composed of Pokemon from Black & White...boring. Boring, boring, boring. They could at least have some sound effects and animations. Won't be doing it again. All I'll use it for is to decide on what Pokemon I want in my team for those games when I get around to getting one of them.
Also, if none of you were aware: Real gym badges! I'd love to get a Gen II set if they were a bit less expensive.
That's... not how it goes. At all.
Okay, today I learned that I should never introduce this program to people who apparently play Pokemon for the training, not the strategy. I'll just...be going, now.
The strategy of it isn't what was boring to me, what bored me was the lack of care to the actual battles. No visual or sound effects and all the normal pop-ups occur in a chat-like window. That doesn't feel like Pokemon to me. If you like it, great. It's just not my particular cup of tea.
However, I do want to thank you for introducing me to the program, I was able to look and see what kind of team I'd like to build in Black/White whenever I get around to getting one of them.
It sounds especially tense when fighting Miltank. Somehow, in HG/SS they managed to make Miltank more annoying than in G/S... I mean, I had some problems defeating Miltank in G/S, yeah... but in HG/SS... it was just... F**********************************************************************************************K!