The Perfect Playthrough
After playing the first time, did anybody have regret or wish they would have made different choices? Did anybody replay the game to fix perceived wrongs? If so, what did you change?
I changed big things, like I didn't save Carley the first time because I didn't see the purse so I changed that. I also changed minor things, like saying manure when Clem ask what it smells like in the barn so in episode two she knows the answer in episode 2 when Duck ask the same question.
I changed big things, like I didn't save Carley the first time because I didn't see the purse so I changed that. I also changed minor things, like saying manure when Clem ask what it smells like in the barn so in episode two she knows the answer in episode 2 when Duck ask the same question.
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welcome back ! Now behave !!
i am doing one, it's pro kenny, pro /honest clem, honest to hershal only feeding those closest to lee, not killing the brothers, i tried to save the teacher, stopping clem eating mark and i help kenny kill larry..
i also saved doug
I haven't replayed anything on my first playthrough. I feel it defeats the purpose of what TTG is trying to accomplish. In hindsight I second guess some of the decisions I made but that's what we're supposed to do. If I changed my decisions for the sake of a better outcome, then the consequences become less meaningful.
Of course, that's what the other save slots are for.
that's why I'm sticking with my decisions the rest of the game
The third save is for playing with the psychology, then deleted.
yeah similar thing for me, but even in my opposite game i cant be mean or not look after clementine
Choose Duck because we as a player know Shaun dies anyway plus Duck is a child.
Side with Kenny in the drugstore, we as a player know Duck isn't bitten, and Larry's idea of tossing him out right now is pretty dark, atleast wait to find a bite or he dies and before the change.
Tell Carley you trust her and help her deal with the radio station part.
Choose Carley to save. This one is kinda more subjective but IMO Carley has more to bring story-wise, she's the only possible survivor to know about Lee's past, she is nice to you, supports you as the leader, and the always thought of romance option.
Don't cut the leg. Like before, we as the player know he'll die anyway and cutting off his leg for no reason is only causing the man more pain.
Don't shoot Jolene, kinda obvious.
Stop Clem from eating people.
Try to save Larry, despite personal opinions on the man, he's dieing and needs to try and be saved. Plus Kenny's solution isn't wrong, but he wants to act to quick instead of waiting a little bit, much like Larry wanting to toss Duck out ASAP.
Don't kill the brothers, murder is wrong and Danny isn't going anywhere much like the teacher, and Andy gets surrounded and killed by walkers anyway.
Don't steal the food. Stealing is wrong and it upsets Clem, the "perfect" playthrough should be 100% favouring Clem.
Also don't be a dick to people lol, kinda obvious though.
The above playthrough is MY opinion on the best you can do currently, the following could very well change after playing Episode 3, 4, and 5.