Save slots bug?

edited August 2012 in The Walking Dead
Are there any whereabouts about a possible bug that causes choices from other saves to overwrite one another? For example, I beat episode 2, I made all the proper choices for Clementine, being her "dad", saying duty instead of shit and whatnot... Well I decided to create a new file being a terrible role model for Clementine, saying shit instead of duty, telling her to travel at night, saying we might not make it, causing her to cry... Well anyway, I got bored of that file and deleted it, my girlfriend wanted to see the end of episode two, so I copied my main file and pasted it over the new deleted slot. When I was playing the part where Clementine and Duck were in the barn, Clementine said it smelled like shit, when in my original file I said duty... So I'm wondering if my crappy Lee file somehow merged with my main file, which means I've now made terrible choices which I did not mean to make... Anyone else have an issue similar to this?


  • edited August 2012
    Maybe you deleted the wrong file?
  • edited August 2012
    not really a bug if you cocked up the save file, best bet is to delete the whole game/ telltalegames directory file and start fresh.
  • edited August 2012
    Cyreen wrote: »
    Maybe you deleted the wrong file?

    How can I delete the wrong file when one says Episode 1 and the other says Episode 2, Ep 1 I played no more than 10 minutes, and if I DID delete the wrong file, I wouldn't be able to "Rewind" the episode all the way back to a certain part in Ep 2, unless "Fast forward" exists in your game.
  • edited August 2012
    you know i thought walnutters and wataman are both having issues that have moreless been unheard of suddenly ep3 is out and we get two people one who can't find the file the other who messed around with the folder

  • edited August 2012
    Cyreen wrote: »
    Maybe you deleted the wrong file?
  • edited August 2012
    Chigga11 wrote: »

  • edited August 2012
    Don't suppose it occurred to you to post in the "Game Support" thread?
    Chigga11 wrote: »
    And only his third post!

    Nice self portrait, toe rag!
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