The Walking Dead PC Steam, Not recognising save files

edited October 2012 in Game Support
Hi all,

I just finished episode 2 in preparation for episode 3's upcoming release. (PC: Steam.)

However, after I closed the game and came back to it shortly afterwards, when I go into save select I can only see an Episode 1 save file (My file/time from my completion of episode 1 - the one I loaded to complete episode 2 on.)

When I load this file and go to Episode 2 on the chapter select, there is no "Continue" option or any statistics screen or "Rewind" option. I fully completed Episode 2, and took a screenshot of my statistics screen at the end. (I completed Episode 2 in one sitting, if that makes any difference.)

I have the save files in my Documents/TTG/TWD folder, the game just doesn't seem to realise they are there.

Anyone know what might be happening here?

Thanks for any help.


  • edited August 2012
    Bumping this in likely futile hopes of a TTG reply
  • edited August 2012
    Having this problem as well.
  • edited August 2012
    I had no problems with Episodes 1 or 2 and now Episode 3 didn't work when I ran it the first time - it crashed. Now the game doesn't remember my save games. The only option is "New Game". I can still see the save files through to but it won't load them.

    Oh yea? Well I had problems when Episode 2 came along. Had to jump through hoops to get my save file working again. Now Episode 3 comes up and my save files are still there but all my Episode 2 progress is wiped. Wow. Really TellTale? Fix your shit. Last time at least my files just didn't show up so I had to go do some work around to get them to display. This time though it's even worse. My save files are just wrong...

    Anyway, try this:
  • edited August 2012
    I love the nicknames of guys on this forum.
    But really Telltale, fix your game. My save files are ignored as well by the game. Can't play Ep. 3 without my choices.

    This fixed my problem:
  • edited September 2012
    Oh yea? Well I had problems when Episode 2 came along. Had to jump through hoops to get my save file working again. Now Episode 3 comes up and my save files are still there but all my Episode 2 progress is wiped. Wow. Really TellTale? Fix your shit. Last time at least my files just didn't show up so I had to go do some work around to get them to display. This time though it's even worse. My save files are just wrong...

    Anyway, try this:

    Thanks for the link, that solved my problem.
  • edited October 2012
    none of the fixes work for me.

    Never, ever will I support TTG. I will never PURCHASE any of their games ever again, after having bought almost all of their previous ones.
  • edited October 2012
    I do not know if anyone has noticed this, but if you loose access to your save you need to go into C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\Documents\Telltale Games\The Walking Dead, copy all your saves into a new folder.

    From there, start up the game and play till the game autosaves (I actually played a little longer to make sure the game had saved.) Next you need to go back to C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\Documents\Telltale Games\The Walking Dead and sort the files by date modified. What is happening is the game will save your new progress as one of the older save files, thus the game doesn't pickup on what save to start up as; it is messed up I know.

    You need to then go back into that new folder I told you to create earlier and rename your last save as what ever is listed as the most recent save in the save folder. I.E. Your last save was and when you restarted the game it saved it as You would need to change the to and paste it into the C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\Documents\Telltale Games\The Walking Dead.

    This is what I did in order to make the game save.
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