(WalkingDead) Episode 2 is not even available to me on MAC
I'm running Mountain Lion, just redownloaded the game entirely. Played through episode 1. Go to the download content from the menu and episode 2 is coming soon? Which is pretty odd considering I played through it before and now we are all waiting for episode 3. What gives? I've restarted the game, my mac everything. Anyone else have this issue? Or any idea how to fix this.
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I had the same problem and I had already finished episode 2, so it's kinda weird that it told me that episode 2 was coming soon. Next to that, I also lost ALL my previous saves.
Anyway, I checked out my Telltale folder (~/"user"/library/Application Support/Telltale Games) and found out that all of a sudden there were 2 Walking Dead folders. One named "TheWalkingDead" and one named "The Walking Dead", which was created today when I opened the app to check if episode 3 was already available.
The "TheWalkingDead" folder contained all my saves and preferences, so I just copied the entire content of this folder to the "The Walking Dead" folder. This fixed my problem.
Hopefully this will work for you.
I'm stuck with the same problem. Let's try JordyLicht's solution, and if that doesn't work, let's stick together, please, so that we can solve it together?
Here's my thread: http://www.telltalegames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=32413
There you will find an "Application Support" folder which should contain a Telltale Games folder.
This worked for me, but if there is only one Walking Dead folder which already contains your savegames, I have no idea what's going on.