Walking Dead Ep. 3 - Does not play, goes straight to Ep. 1
Hi everyone,
This is the first issue I've had with The Walking Dead for Xbox 360, but it's a real pain. I started by downloading episode 3 as I have with the first 2, then disconnecting from xbox live, and began to play. I started by selecting my save file in slot 1 with episode 2 complete. I hit 'play' on episode 3, but it did not load episode 3. Instead it loaded episode 1 and saved over my previous game. Reluctantly I played through both episodes again, hoping it would fix the glitch. After a few hours I am at the episode 3 selection, and once again hit play... And it does the same thing! I spent quite a bit of time and despite only spending 400 points on the episode, I still feel cheated. As a huge Walking Dead fan, this really pisses me off since the series is held at such a high standard for me, I would think bugs and glitches as big as this would be ironed out with the repeated episodes being delayed. Is there a patch/update? What can I do? Can I at least get my damn points back?
Thanks for any information anyone may provide.
Disgruntled gamer
This is the first issue I've had with The Walking Dead for Xbox 360, but it's a real pain. I started by downloading episode 3 as I have with the first 2, then disconnecting from xbox live, and began to play. I started by selecting my save file in slot 1 with episode 2 complete. I hit 'play' on episode 3, but it did not load episode 3. Instead it loaded episode 1 and saved over my previous game. Reluctantly I played through both episodes again, hoping it would fix the glitch. After a few hours I am at the episode 3 selection, and once again hit play... And it does the same thing! I spent quite a bit of time and despite only spending 400 points on the episode, I still feel cheated. As a huge Walking Dead fan, this really pisses me off since the series is held at such a high standard for me, I would think bugs and glitches as big as this would be ironed out with the repeated episodes being delayed. Is there a patch/update? What can I do? Can I at least get my damn points back?
Thanks for any information anyone may provide.
Disgruntled gamer
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hey right ive spent all day with the same problem but i think ive fixed it try this.
when it says choose random choices press B to go back. when it pops up the screen that shows your woefully empty saves press the guide button and sign out. you are then given a message saying you must be signed in with the profile that purchased the game to play. sign back in. et voilia my saves where back after i chose device option before the start screen
it worked for me it might work for you.
xbox only
Any update on when this fix might clear through MS? It's incredibly frustrating to own such a wonderful game (aside from this issue obviously) and not be able to play it.