Walking Dead Episode 3 - Program update?

edited August 2012 in Game Support
Has there been a new update for OS X with episode 3?
Every time I startup the game I can't get into the main menu, just like when the last update came around.
Only this time I can't see any evidence of the app actually updating; it just stays there on the Walking Dead logo with the ticker on the top of the screen.


  • edited August 2012
    Seems it is updating but it takes its time, about 20 minutes by my count.
  • edited August 2012
    Ah and the old shut down again at 58%.....not this again.....
  • edited August 2012
    Ah you're right. There was another update.
    Couldn't they just put a message somewhere on the screen that it's updating?
    Anyway, now downloading episode 3. I'll keep you posted if it finishes at all...
  • edited August 2012
    Stuck at 99.50%. Oh well. Time shut it down and try again tomorrow. Is it bad that I'm not overly surprised?
  • edited August 2012
    This definitely needs some kind of progress indicator. I've been figuring the program was hanging because of a bug but it's potentially just updating?
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