clem is a mole in the group cos she thinks if she helps mr 'x' get lee there so they can deal with him, but i sense clems parents are dead...a typical old school trick the kid plot a bit lame really..
so how long has clem been talking to him ? a while i'd say
clem is a mole in the group cos she thinks if she helps mr 'x' get lee there so they can deal with him, but i sense clems parents are dead...a typical old school trick the kid plot a bit lame really..
so how long has clem been talking to him ? a while i'd say
clem is a mole in the group cos she thinks if she helps mr 'x' get lee there so they can deal with him, but i sense clems parents are dead...a typical old school trick the kid plot a bit lame really..
so how long has clem been talking to him ? a while i'd say
About 6 months.
It Is mostly Linear but with unlinear decisions etc.