Episode 3 won't play my save file due to stats crash at the end of episode 2
Telltale, I've given you the benefit of the doubt when you guys run your mouths about release dates and then deliver a bugging glitch ridden product two weeks late I've kept my opinions to my self cause the story the characters and the overall game play is fantastic! That being said the fact that you know there is a game breaking bug in episode two and your solution was to release the stats on your web site rather than just fix the fucking problem makes me sick! Why is it that episode 2 freezes on the stats, thusly freezing my progress right there on the stats screen of ep 2, making it so if I try to play episode three it will do one of two things it will just generate random choices for episode one and two or it will just start over from episode one and end up freezing on the stats screen at the end of ep 2. Telltale you NEED to make a patch to fix the problem ive read that the PS3 users have just had to live with that bug, well thats garbage and its a problem that Is happening on the 360 as well, do your fucking jobs and fix it! At least address the problem, I was the biggest supporter of your games and I can live with the ridiculous wait times in between episodes, release a patch that fixes the stat freeze at the end of episode 2 so I can keep my choices in ep3 or give me back my god damned money, and I'll just a burn a copy of the game when it comes out on disc, all I'm asking is you just support the people that are supporting you
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