Help -Update/Episode 3 breaks TWD [MAC]

edited September 2012 in Game Support
The game is unusable for me too.

I have noticed the following bugs:-
  • On loading TWD on Mac OS X, it hangs.
  • Switching to a window, I can see something is downloading something using a network monitor
  • After 20 minutes, it eventually lets me in
  • Trying to download Episode 3 hangs at 99.5%
  • Switching between full screen and window often crashes TWD
  • Quitting the game when in window mode crashes the game

Telltale support. Please can you address this asap or even respond.

I have found a fix of sorts! Tested successfully by four folks.

What you need is copy the following two directories from a working machine, or a copy from a friend.

/Users/"your user name"/Library/Application Support/Telltale Games/TheWalkingDead/SyncFs/Data/WalkingDead103


/Users/"Your user name"/Library/Application Support/Telltale Games/TheWalkingDead/SyncFs/Meta

Copy these two directories onto your own machine with the EP3 problem. Make sure you don't overwrite any other folders.

EP3 then works.


  • edited August 2012
    CB123 wrote: »
    The game is unusable for me too.

    I have noticed the following bugs:-
    • On loading TWD on Mac OS X, it hangs.
    • Switching to a window, I can see something is downloading something using a network monitor
    • After 20 minutes, it eventually lets me in

    This isn't an error but it's downloading a program update without any notification.
    CB123 wrote: »
    [*]Trying to download Episode 3 hangs at 99.5%
    [*]Switching between full screen and window often crashes TWD
    [*]Quitting the game when in window mode crashes the game

    I've got the exact same problems, but the game 'crashes' in fullscreen mode as well when I quit the game. It's not really a crash as I wanted to quit the game anyway, but it's just weird I get a error notice after quitting.
  • edited August 2012
    Mine crashes in full screen while trying to download Episode 3 :(
    99.5% at other percentages.
  • edited August 2012
    Does anyone have a working ep3 on the Mac?
    I've tried uninstalling, wiping the settings and files, clean re-install. :(
  • edited August 2012
    Possible solution. It worked for me! Big thanks to AlfredoSanchez
    Let us all know how you get on guys and girls! :)

    See below:-

    Originally Posted by AlfredoSanchez

    "I had this exact same problem, it twice downloading to 99.50% before crashing.

    This is what solved it for me:

    It went into graphic settings and turned everything to low or off (anti-aliasing, the screen resolution, shadow, etc.). I also made it full screen (it wasn't before).

    Suddenly the download now comes in at a phenomenal speed, and completed at 100% in no time.

    Try it yourself. I hope it works for you."
  • edited August 2012
    Glad this worked for you, but its not working for me. I seem to recall this was offered as a solution for some for Episode 2 problems with limited success.
  • edited August 2012
    Blackvulcan3: Have you tried starting it up then walking away for 15-20 minutes? That's what finally worked for me. Otherwise there is no Main Menu.
  • edited August 2012
    Yeah, I found that out early on about the connecting issue, I remembered a simialr thing from episode 2. I'm stuck downloading at 99.50%.
  • edited September 2012
    Yeah, I found that out early on about the connecting issue, I remembered a simialr thing from episode 2. I'm stuck downloading at 99.50%.

    Did you set every graphics setting to it's lowest including resolution set to 640 by 480?
    What model of Mac do you have and which OS x?
  • edited September 2012
    Make sure you're in full screen mode as well during the ep3 download.
  • edited September 2012
    Thanks CB123, this solution was thrown around for episode 2. I've tried it on episode 3 about 8 times now, either selecting the download from within the game or from the download content selection from the main menu.

    I have a 27 inch mid 2010 imac 2.93ghz i7 with 8gb ram and 1gb video running 10.7.4.
  • edited September 2012
    I've done some testing with the 99.5% problem as well as the fact that the percent rate of download completion slows substantially. The Walking Dead application maintains a constant data rate of over 300KB on my system even while stuck at 99.50% and even as the download rate slows. I've checked thoroughly that it is only the Walking Dead and no other app.

    Unlike quitting before 99.50% if I shut off the internet, it will not even show "the connection" was broken, and will resume downloading junk data after reconnect.
  • edited September 2012
    I have found a workaround!

    What you need is copy the following two directories from a working machine, or a copy from a friend.

    /Users/"your user name"/Library/Application Support/Telltale Games/TheWalkingDead/SyncFs/Data/WalkingDead103


    /Users/"Your user name"/Library/Application Support/Telltale Games/TheWalkingDead/SyncFs/Meta

    Copy these two directories onto your own machine with the EP3 problem. Make sure you don't overwrite any other folders.

    EP3 then works. I've had three other people test it successfully.
This discussion has been closed.