episode 3 coming soon bug

edited September 2012 in Game Support
Hi everyone,

im encountering a bug i didnt read about yet.
If im starting the game up fresh i am able to play episode 3, but it wont register any saves i have.
When i load a save game first ( yes they are there and i can play them) it says to me that episode 3 is not installed and will be coming soon. (aka i cant play episode 3 with my saves)

anyone having any soloution or at least the same problems?


  • edited September 2012
    I have the same problem on the Mac. I can only play Episode 3 without my saved game from Episode 2.
  • edited September 2012
    I'm having the same problem on PC/Steam in the UK, I've played upto the end of episode 2 but when I try for episode 3 it says coming soon...
  • edited September 2012
    bump, because i want to play this :(
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