TWD episode 3 save wont work

edited September 2012 in Game Support
it wont let me use my save. If i go in, it says i havent finished it. i play through the end of episode 2 AGAIN, then it says 'coming soon' for episode 3. then i restart and ep3 is back, but i have to play through episode 2 again. then episode 3 disappears. Repeat ad infinitum.

the copy paste props from documents does not fix this. What the hell do I do?


  • edited September 2012
    I have a similar problem on Mac (Mountain Lion) with Steam. Walking Dead doesn't know that I finished Episode 2 on initial load, but I can play Episode 3 with randomized decisions (my decisions did not carry forward). However once Walking Dead recognizes my Episode 2 save, I can no longer play Episode 3. All I see is "Coming Soon".
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