[W&G] The Trouble With Toast

edited September 2012 in Game Support
I just bought this game off of GOG, and I made everything for breakfast. However, when serving it, Gromit won't (can't?) give the toast to Wallace.

I'm tunning Windows 7, updated my DivX Player... is it some bug or trouble from downloading it from GOG?


  • edited September 2012
    I'm having the same problem - ordered through GOG.com, but using Windows XP.

    I have the Toast in my inventory, but I cannot give it to Wallace :( I've already given him his egg and honey.
  • edited September 2012
    I'm also having an issue with the GOG version. In Episode 1, Gromit refuses to give the toast to Wallace. Also there seems to be a slight bug, which I think is related. After you get Wallace to sign the bills, they are still on the table. Once you give him the Eggs and Honey, you can highlight the Bills, but they don't show up in selection icon at the top-right of the screen. All it shows is whatever you last selected. This is probably what's causing the bug, IMO anyway. Screen attached.... (hopefully)
  • edited September 2012
    same here. Seems to be just affecting the gog-version :/
    Hope we get a fix soon. I really wonder how this bug can be in a release version. I mean it's right at the beginning after about 2 minutes of playing the game...
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