Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes
Not the movie so this isnt spam!
New trailer for the much anticpated Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes!
New trailer for the much anticpated Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes!
When I saw Old Big Boss face I lost it! I been wanting to play as Old Big Boss since Snake Eater!!! (The camo in 4 doesnt count cos it was rly Solidus' face) I thought when 4 ended I wouldnt play any more new MGS but this THIS is epic! It looks like it can take stealth to a whole new frigging level!!
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I really need to get MGS4. But at least now it's only finding the money for the game that is stopping me getting it, as it's only within the last month or so that I've got access to a PS3 for the first time.
I have cos its on the HD collection I was rly referring to not wanting to play the Raiden game since I figured the series was gearing to him now.