Save feature in the Walking Dead is totally messed up

edited September 2012 in Game Support
The save always says episode 1, even after I have finished episode 3. I even watched the stats and credits...

After I finished ep3, I started over with a new save slot, but still it asks if I want to overwrite the progress(note this is a new save slot). Answering either yes or no will cause the game to stuck with only a mouse cursor on blackscreen. I deleted everything in save folder to correct this problem...

Where is the progress saved? I deleted everything in save folder but still it says I have saves.

Sometimes it says ep2 and ep3 are coming soon, but I just finished them... restarting the game usually fixes the problem.....

After I finished ep2, the stats says something like decision1=>result 1 and all decisions are 50%.... something must be wrong...

It is very frustrating to lose saves...
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