There is a solution for MAC users dowloading - but TT won't give it to you

edited September 2012 in Game Support

Now, I cannot take credit for anything written about the solution, this was done by a user who wishes to remain anonymous and I respect that. Thank you to those involved, you know who you are and well done.

What I cannot understand is why Telltale cannot offer a different delivery method being that the solution can be easily performed.

It is all in the files being delivered for Episode 3. These go in the following locations

/Users/"your user name"/Library/Application Support/Telltale Games/TheWalkingDead/SyncFs/Data/WalkingDead103


/Users/"Your user name"/Library/Application Support/Telltale Games/TheWalkingDead/SyncFs/Meta

If Telltale would be kind enough to offer an alternate direct download and users can copy those necessary files accross you would be playing the game now.

The download is only just under size of a CD, not large by todays standards.

How about it TT, can you please let us have these files so MAC users can play this game.

(Before you ask, no I don't have a method of delivering the files you to directly, I'm hoping Telltale can help us with this)


  • edited September 2012
    +1! TTG, please take notice! You have 1,000's of anticipating users customers unable to play your game. If you piss off the customers, you cut your revenue.
    Please respond to your customers.
  • edited September 2012
    Yes please, trying to download episode 2, and my connection is horribly slow, so it takes ages to download. The game just keeps crashing.

    It would be so awesome if some mirror links could be provided.
  • DjNDBDjNDB Moderator
    edited September 2012
    You can download the files as described here.
This discussion has been closed.