LoL?! I am 13. And i am enjoying it so much. People you are from America no? What are your kids doing at this age? It`s so weird that there are so many elder people I didn`t expected that. Me and my friend who is 14 we are loving the game and the TV series too. I am really excited for season 2. It will be epic, I hope so.
I'm 22 and I'll be honest, I don't believe this is a game anyone under 17 or 18 years old should be playing. I had a hard enough time handling the content as it was. I know that some kids are more exposed and desensitized and more mature and all that, but this isn't the place to start that kind of discussion. :rolleyes:
Anyways, yeah, I'm 22, just finished the game and cried my eyes out lol
34. I used to read he image comic back in the day. I own the first 62 issues. Would have loved this game if it didnt have all the glitches. But they've frustrated me so much I never completed the game.
Isn't Walking Dead 18+ though? I don't know how other countries handle that, but if a toystore or multimedia store will doubt your age, they'll ask for ID or not sell you the game.
Interesting that you can just download and play the game if you buy it directly from Telltale (or Steam for that matter)
I'm 44, and love this game!
But, someone should please not let 7-year-olds onto these forums, lest they post their ages or other sensitive info...just a thought.
And what's a 7-year-old doing playing this game? It's for adults.
I'm 22 and I'll be honest, I don't believe this is a game anyone under 17 or 18 years old should be playing. I had a hard enough time handling the content as it was. I know that some kids are more exposed and desensitized and more mature and all that, but this isn't the place to start that kind of discussion. :rolleyes:
Anyways, yeah, I'm 22, just finished the game and cried my eyes out lol
Despite being open minded and letting kids decide which games they want to play, this is a game I definitely wouldn't allow to any. Just play Episode 2.
The comics are pretty good too (:
Anyways, yeah, I'm 22, just finished the game and cried my eyes out lol
CLEMENTINE, we told you to stay in the house!
and i cried like a rotten baby with this game.
You are one of the few, I'm afraid. But that's showing some improvement, kudos to you!
Isn't Walking Dead 18+ though? I don't know how other countries handle that, but if a toystore or multimedia store will doubt your age, they'll ask for ID or not sell you the game.
Interesting that you can just download and play the game if you buy it directly from Telltale (or Steam for that matter)
Not old enough to play it (according to the ratings) but... shh.
I'm not the kind of person that cries easily, but this game nearly did it (watery eyes) wich is a huge compliment.
I'm a "game-playing" mom, too!
But, someone should please not let 7-year-olds onto these forums, lest they post their ages or other sensitive info...just a thought.
And what's a 7-year-old doing playing this game? It's for adults.
I like to think it's a typo and they're really either 27 or 72.
Youngest here?
21 here and I agree completely.
Kids these days, eh?
Despite being open minded and letting kids decide which games they want to play, this is a game I definitely wouldn't allow to any. Just play Episode 2.