reality 2.0 w00t

edited August 2007 in Sam & Max
i haven't been able to play a lot lately, so i only got to finish reality 2.0 today. the most amazing episode so far! i LOVE the dark, retro, tron-like cyber-sci-fi stuff. right up my alley. music was awesome too. and the writing and the puzzles were all just perfect. and the internet so creepy and wonderful. gee. :D this is the first ep i'm totally in love with. ah, so beautiful! more of this stuff please. must play moon now.


  • edited August 2007
    It's my favourite episode by far. It had the most lauigh out loud moments for me.
    Reminds me of the internet from futurama (only better!)
  • edited August 2007
    "Oh My God, It's Full of Ads!"
  • edited August 2007
    I loved how they used some of the fake ads that used to be on the unofficial S&M page from awhile ago. The "Cheap Evil Smelling Beer" and "Carbonated Sugar Water" ones to be exact
  • edited August 2007
    gawdamn, i forgot: i hope and pray we get to go to Luftwaffle in season 2!! that place just sounds too awesome.
  • edited August 2007
    I just finished it last night too! This is probably the second best after Abe Lincoln so far...but I thought it looked great and was also one of the trickier episodes out of the series, there was a couple of things I really had to think about...
    The Nauseating Bosco's cracked me up...
  • edited August 2007
    It reminded me of Day Of The Tentacle, how you had to switch back and forth to solve some puzzles.

    I do wish we could have gotten to see inside Jimmy's place. Perfect opportunity, but I understand it really wasn't nessesary and would have taken up valuable time.
    Lefty's having a little more scenary would have been cool too. Just bare walls and scrap "left"overs from his store instead of a spotlight.
  • edited August 2007
    gawdamn, i forgot: i hope and pray we get to go to Luftwaffle in season 2!! that place just sounds too awesome.

    This is from the comics, right? Not being familiar.... I'm just guessing it's a German Airline-themed Waffle house?
  • edited August 2007
    Give these guys a late pass :p
  • edited August 2007
    Yeah, Reality 2.0 was my favourite epsidoe with Abe coming in close second.
  • edited August 2007
    xChri5x wrote: »
    I loved how they used some of the fake ads that used to be on the unofficial S&M page from awhile ago. The "Cheap Evil Smelling Beer" and "Carbonated Sugar Water" ones to be exact

    Yeah, those are originally from the comic book.

  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited August 2007
    xChri5x wrote: »
    I loved how they used some of the fake ads that used to be on the unofficial S&M page from awhile ago. The "Cheap Evil Smelling Beer" and "Carbonated Sugar Water" ones to be exact
    Erwin wrote: »
    Yeah, those are originally from the comic book.


    But the versions in Reality 2.0 are the same hastily colored versions I made back in high school for the Unofficial Sam & Max website. I found the Photoshop files on an old hard drive :) So he's still right.
  • edited August 2007
    The first and most likely last time System Shock will be referenced in anything.
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