Exam Results

edited August 2007 in General Chat
since its around that time in the UK (not sure of the US)
anyone care to share exam results (unless they are really bad)

ok my AS results

Maths A
Further Maths A
Physics C
Chemistry C

and in the least important subject
General studies E


  • edited August 2007
    Good luck to people getting their exam results today. :)
  • edited August 2007
    I did pretty terrible in Maths. And by "pretty terrible" I mean "U grade". I saw it coming straight after I did the exam though.

    Everything else went well, B in English, D in Computing (probably would have been a B if it wasn't for the lousy help the teacher gave us with the coursework, but D's good enough if it's getting me through to next year).

    Ideally, I would have had a grade for Graphic Design too, but I never got to do it because I didn't have an art GCSE and hated the Fine Art course I was pushed into (I dropped it halfway through the year, but apparently, I needed to be able to draw in about 50 different materials I can't use for toffee before I'd even be considered to be allowed anywhere near Photoshop, near the relatively mess-free drawing tablet, or God forbid, a DIGITAL CAMERA in the Graphic Design courses.
    To add insult to injury, the first thing we did in Fine Art was take photos of bricks and seashells, recolour them in Photoshop, and print them out to redraw in charcoal and oil paints. I'm more of a biro artist myself).

    I got the exact grades I was expecting anyway, so there wasn't really any surprise or upset.
  • edited August 2007
    Well, you did pretty damn well. Sadly, my A level results back in um... 2003? (I forget) were pretty damn bad.

    Lesse if I remember them.. ummmm..

    Psychology - C
    Geology - C
    Archaeology - C? maybe a B
    Science of public understanding - C (not bad given I never went to the lessons and made crap up at the exam.. ahahaha man that subject sucked)

    A level:
    Psychology - D
    Geology - D
    Archaeology - C

    Yeah, though given ALL my coursework came back U.. seriously.. they didn't mark my damned coursework which shunted all my grades down. Bastards *smites*
    If I hadn't have gotten into my first choice university I might have taken action, but as it was I got into the uni I wanted and onto the course I wanted and all was good.
    I think i'd have probably gotten C's if they'd actually bothered to deal with my coursework.. all of which was C grade work. Jerks. Still to this day I have no idea what happened. They also messed up the bar that year, and the year before. See, in order to get a C you needed some ridiculous percentage like um.. 75% I think? rather than the usual 60 or in some cases 50. Yeah, they messed up. We also had the wonderful Psych exam which contained an essay question about a subject we hadn't studied! nightmare.
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