Cellective noun for Zombies
I have been browsing Google for the above, but have not been very
impressed with the suggestions so far, although there are many of them.
Looking through my old dictionary I found the word..
A fermentation, zymotic disease produced by germs introduced from without.(Perhaps very apt)
While we are waiting for Episode 4 perhaps the Forum could come up with some others?
impressed with the suggestions so far, although there are many of them.
Looking through my old dictionary I found the word..
A fermentation, zymotic disease produced by germs introduced from without.(Perhaps very apt)
While we are waiting for Episode 4 perhaps the Forum could come up with some others?
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Actually, this has already been discussed a bit under the thread titled "Herd".
I can't help but picture a posse of zombies strolling down a dusty street with their Stetsons on and their spurs clinking away.
Another one for novelty value is team. 'A team of walkers heading our way'.
I'm easily amused...
That's the North American vernacular and my first choice.
A Matt Groening?
Ha! Wait, I know this one.... NO, it's a herd.
Heard of zombies?
Bored of Zombies.
I heard that zombies ate her brain.
A warren of Walkers....
A Drove of dead.....
So maybe a Gaggle of Geeks
Or Droplet of dead
A wibble of walkers
A large group of people.
An army or tribe of nomadic warriors: "Tartar hordes".
A large group of animals that live together or are kept together as livestock.
Move in a particular direction.
Horde just makes more sense IMO
I think herd makes more sense. A horde is mostly for armies, but zombies are more like animals than humans anyway, mindlessly following one direction until something to eat crosses their path.
Right. Zombies aren't people, and a herd is defined as a bunch of zombies that all "move in a particular direction".
*shoots you down*
Well zombies are technically people, they're just dead people. When somebody dies their species didn't change. It's a human corpse, whats different when someone dies from the zombie infection? They're still human, just dead.
I would also say that an undead horde is definitely an army, with a specific target in mind- anything living. The definition "move in a particular direction" refers to being moved by an outside source such as a rancher herding cattle into a pen, if they move on their own it isn't considered being herded, such as hearing a noise and going towards it.
Haha, this one made me burst out laughing.
Sweet! I made someone laugh!
for me they would be
target practice, ammo sponges, a really bad smell,
but a term that really nails what they are is
the walking dead
But on www.FVZA.org website, groups of zombies are sometimes called a "stagger of zombies."
You could say that zombies are predated upon and collect in herds to survive. A single zombie vs a single person almost always comes out bad for the zombie, as is seen a lot in TWD.
So basicly, zombies are actually able to procreate (by biting humans) and feed (by eating humans) better in a herd than they do when alone or in pairs. Also, herding seems to be in their instinct, much like it is in the instanct of herd animals.
Still though, I like horde more as a collective noun. It's simply the classic.